Why Are There So Many Lesbians Now?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18243
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You come across as a bloke that despises women.
You couldn't be more wrong, as usual, and as usual you are trying to misrepresent me. Normal women are getting a bad deal at the moment, as fringe minorities take precedence in the zeitgeist. Same goes for normal men.

Because in the main, society doesn't shun people in these brackets any longer, which is a good thing in my opinion. There probably aren't 'more', it's just that more people now feel free to express who they really are.
Thanks. I reckon, based on long-term observation of the real world, that there are more now. Where does your opinion come from? Is there a lesbian scene in Fife?
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Thanks. I reckon, based on long-term observation of the real world, that there are more now. Where does your opinion come from? Is there a lesbian scene in Fife?
I'm not getting into PatEx esque ping pong on this. It's well documented that in years gone by, folk who felt they were different in various ways had to completely bury their feelings or face societal ruin. Still goes on today e.g. pro footballers. No ... I'm not going to start citing sources before you ask ;) So we don't really have anything to base it on as decades ago the facts and figures we have access to now simply didn't exist, they weren't collated in any meaningful way.

(made up figures) let's say today 1% of the UK female population proudly identify as lesbian. Perhaps 50 years ago 1% of the female population were lesbian, or had leanings that way, but because of societal constraints they couldn't / didn't broadcast the fact. Who knows.

Maybe we are firmly on the way to so-called norms being changed forever e.g. defined male and female genders, increasing numbers of LGBTQ or whatever it is. Maybe a century or two from now the youth will look back at the online history books in amazement that we defined people as male or female. Who knows. Just another reason I'm pleased ~30 years from now I'll be outta here.
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Like a lot of gay people I have no idea what andy means. Do you m itch?
I never knew you were gay mate. As far as what Andy means he might mean Normal women as in the majority ie hetro or he might be really nasty and suggesting that lbg etc are abnormal. I guess only he knows. No need to get uptight though.
We had a lesbian working for us for 3 years

Nice girl ( but nah I wouldn’t have wanted to )

Her partner was alright but bit of a fruit cake imo

Quite attractive but she had a short fuse
There seems to be a fashion amongst young people to try to stand out from the crowd by identifying as something other than straight. I know of a class of 15/16 year olds where, of the 30 pupils, only two identify as straight. So now the ones that actually stand out as different are the ones identifying as straight.
A few kids in my son's year group (y11) identify as random things, a few are gay, a few are non binary and one identifies as a rat
For promotion read brainwashing and indoctrination at the expense of lessons. Teachers should not be talking to pupils about any aspect of sex - it is for parents alone to teach.this.

For general acceptance read mass brainwashing. Another part of this phenomenon is the demonisation of males. Think how often we hear the phrase "toxic masculinity" now.

How very predictable for you to use this old saw Nosey.
Presumably, you've also made up a school where you 'know' this is going on every day.
A few kids in my son's year group (y11) identify as random things, a few are gay, a few are non binary and one identifies as a rat
This is the bit where I'm not quite up to speed on all this. I accept all of their rights say they are whatever they want but the rat thing is odd to me.
I never knew you were gay mate. As far as what Andy means he might mean Normal women as in the majority ie hetro or he might be really nasty and suggesting that lbg etc are abnormal. I guess only he knows. No need to get uptight though.
Give it up boyo, you already look like a ****.
It means typical, average etc. Look in the dictionary. Doesn't have to be confronting. Depends how you want to see it mate.
Whatever the intent was if you use Normal for one group of people then everyone else is by definition abnormal. That tends to wind them up.

It's not a big deal, but the language used has an effect.
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