Why Are There So Many Lesbians Now?

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Normal? WHAT THE F0CK!!!
It means what there is most of; the majority; the predominant; the preponderant etc. It isn't a controversial term, it is just numerical. Homosexuals are (something like) 3% of the population, therefore they are not normal.
Are you like this in real life? I've been polite, respectful and you just become abusive.
It's Noseall's normal behaviour, he is like that most of the time.
I can see both sides tbh. The last bit of your paragraph does look pretty controversial though. Saying someone is not normal because of their sexual preference looks mean. Saying straight is the norm not so much. Only my opinion of course and this kind of stuff is a learning curve for me.
Hatefully calling them “males” on lesbian dating sites for example.

That's an interesting opinion.

What do you think is an accurate word to use of someone with a cock and balls, male hormones, and male physique?

Do you think women on a lesbian dating site are looking for someone with a cock and balls, male hormones, and male physique?
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That's an interesting opinion.

What do you think is an accurate word to use of someone with a cock and balls, male hormones, and male physique?
I'd say man but if that's inappropriate I meant no malice.
taking it back to my days at school if it meant feking up teachers and the system then most of the guys in my class would have made up we were anything just to wind them up and play the system i remember as a 12 year old getting detention after teacher asking what we were going to do after leaving school and i replied gigalo and woman can pay me to shag them . Refused to believe i was serious
Presumably, you've also made up a school where you 'know' this is going on every day.
Why should I answer your question when you don't answer mine?

I can see both sides tbh. The last bit of your paragraph does look pretty controversial though. Saying someone is not normal because of their sexual preference looks mean. Saying straight is the norm not so much. Only my opinion of course and this kind of stuff is a learning curve for me.
I understand, but it simply isn't controversial. The word "normal" has been hijacked and made to seem controversial. It is normal to take the covid vaccine; I haven't taken it so I am not normal in that respect. It is a simple fact, not an insult.

It is very important that the meanings of our words are not hijacked or changed, particularly for political ends. Young people are being denied the use of many ordinary and straightforward words; this is deliberate.
Why should I answer your question when you don't answer mine?

I understand, but it simply isn't controversial. The word "normal" has been hijacked and made to seem controversial. It is normal to take the covid vaccine; I haven't taken it so I am not normal in that respect. It is a simple fact, not an insult.

It is very important that the meanings of our words are not hijacked or changed, particularly for political ends. Young people are being denied the use of many ordinary and straightforward words; this is deliberate.
I watched a video about the English language over the centuries. By about 800 years ago we wouldn't be able to understand it. Not even read it. Change happens. I agree with some of what you say. though.
It is very important that the meanings of our words are not hijacked or changed, particularly for political ends. Young people are being denied the use of many ordinary and straightforward words; this is deliberate.

You must have been busy in the old days, campaigning against words like "bent" "queer" "pansy" "coon" "arab" "packy" "dyke"

Did you really do that? Or has this desire only arisen recently?
It means what there is most of; the majority; the predominant; the preponderant etc. It isn't a controversial term, it is just numerical.

That's not true.

It is a word that has long been used to denigrate.

It is also a word that is not useful.
It means what there is most of; the majority; the predominant; the preponderant etc. It isn't a controversial term, it is just numerical. Homosexuals are (something like) 3% of the population, therefore they are not normal.
You managed to undermine your own OP with that statement.
Nice going.(y)
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