Why are we not seeing this on other U.K. news channels?

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They support it.
Not sure what you are on about, really...? I see a lot of people arguing for better processing so that we can boot out the dross. I see a lot of people concerned that there are not enough fit healthy young people, doing the shít jobs in UK, since the hole left by dependable EU migrants.

What do you mean 'they support it'?
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The governments don't want to solve this, because it's all their own doing. They're getting exactly what they want, those at the bottom fighting with incommers. Divide and rule. Politicians = traitors.
So why the intense hatred for foreigners?
You obviously believe in addressing the symptoms, and not the cause. :rolleyes:
I was referring to those closer to home. Many on GD. Libertards are those who blindly support the policies of trecherous politicians and shout down objectors with the 'R' word - they would never have the intellect to actually make those policies themselves.
Let me get this straight, you disagree vehemently with politicians allowing immigrants to UK?
So your tactic is to incite hatred against foreigners. You think that's intelligent? :rolleyes:

Inciting hatred against anyone who might resemble a foreigner, wanting to shoot them on site, using your full creative ability to thwart the auto censor to express your bigoted comments, now that's racist.
Himmy will be along any minute to make my case for me. :ROFLMAO:
Trolling is trolling, racism is racism. wanting to shoot foreigners on sight is extreme violence.
Racist trolling is still the ignorant actions of a potentially violent racist, one who directs his hatred at the symptom and not the cause.
Exactly. Don't look at these massive problems - here's something else to concentrate on. Distraction as well as divide and rule.
You obviously ignore the policies of the politicians. You even blame the politicians for the immigration. yet your hatred and racism is directed at foreigners. :rolleyes:
Not sure what you are on about, really...? I see a lot of people arguing for better processing so that we can boot out the dross. I see a lot of people concerned that there are not enough fit healthy young people, doing the shít jobs in UK, since the hole left by dependable EU migrants.

What do you mean 'they support it'?
You can't expect someone who has been indoctrinated in his racist views, by his parents, to be anything but a racist. He's incapable of rational thought.
Irish Immigration minister tweeted 2 years ago in 12 languages - 'come to ireland and we will gave you your own house with 6 months'

and now they are in utter chaos with unmanageable amounts of migrants - we may laugh at the utter idiocy of it, but we could be going down the same path with Labour
We certainly were with the Tories.

So far Labour is doing better, but don't let your prejudices affect your judgement
At least The Irish have some balls. We just roll over and accept the madness. Our hotels are filling up with the world's unwashed.

All I can say is - well done libertards. Your right wing utopia is on it's way.
Tories weren't left wing libertards though
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