Why does metal smell of metal?

I would have thought that the E of V for most metallic oxides (which are solids) would be too high as well. For instance you can't smell dry rust

Ah, but even if the E of V isn't reached throughout the whole piece of metal, statistically you would get the odd metal atom that would have sufficient energy, and would be at the surface of the metal.

Or are my physicist's thoughts leading me astray here? ;)
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Freddie said:
Eddie M said:
I would have thought that the E of V for most metallic oxides (which are solids) would be too high as well. For instance you can't smell dry rust :?:

But a solid piece of metal would cause minute condensation with the air unless they were exactly the same temp.

Who goes round smelling rust dry or wet ?????????

Why wouldn't the piece of metal be at exactly the same temp as the air ?

As for smelling rust, I've tried snorting everything (usually unintentionally) :LOL:
AdamW said:
I would have thought that the E of V for most metallic oxides (which are solids) would be too high as well. For instance you can't smell dry rust

Ah, but even if the E of V isn't reached throughout the whole piece of metal, statistically you would get the odd metal atom that would have sufficient energy, and would be at the surface of the metal.

Or are my physicist's thoughts leading me astray here? ;)

Not enough to smell I wouldn't have thought :confused:
Because one is a solid mass and the other isnt so they would have to be static for a long while to acheive the same temp, then the slightest thing could raise or lower the air temp and this would take a lot longer to take effect on a solid mass
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Metals have no smell or taste.
But they are generally not inert and are rarely pure
So when you lick your hands after playing on the 2p machines at the seaside you think you can 'taste' the copper. But its actually just the oxides sulphates or whatever other radicals of the copper you are licking off. Keep licking and the taste will go away unless it keeps reacting with your saliva.
Do the same with gold for example which doesnt react with anything [inert] and it will not taste of anything.
Generally the further down the electrolytic scale they are the more likely they are to react with the elements around them and thus create the odours and tastes to which you refer.
metal does smell, well heavy metal groups and their fans do, phwoar!
Slugbabydotcom said:
So when you lick your hands after playing on the 2p machines at the seaside you think you can 'taste' the copper. But its actually just the oxides sulphates or whatever other radicals of the copper you are licking off. Keep licking and the taste will go away unless it keeps reacting with your saliva.

So are you advocating tuppence-licking ? And if you keep at it long enough the taste goes away ??

Sorry :oops: :oops:
but what part of the metal gives it it's smell? and can you tell the difference between the different metals if blindfolded?
I reckon popcorn must be inert then, it doesn't taste of anything. :LOL:
Slugbabydotcom said:
Do the same with gold for example which doesnt react with anything [inert] and it will not taste of anything.

Unless you are an Alien, their blood is concentrated acid so perhaps their spit is aqua regia? ;)

I'm wondering if maybe one of the reasons people went from copper jewellery to gold jewellery is because of it making their hands (and hence food) taste funny?
i was told wether its true or not if you put (coppers) 1p, 2p in your mouth after being stopped for drink driving it has some kind of reaction to the machine, is it true. :eek:
jbonding said:
i was told wether its true or not if you put (coppers) 1p, 2p in your mouth after being stopped for drink driving it has some kind of reaction to the machine, is it true. :eek:

Yeah, Your mouths so full of copper you can't blow!! I've heard this one, don't know, wouldn't risk it !!
I've heard that one too. I suspect it was "invented" because copper can be used as a catalyst to dehydrogenate ethanol. However, I would have thought that, like many catalysts for such reactions, the copper would need to be REALLY hot.

So you could always keep some coins on the engine block and chuck them in your gob if you are pulled. :LOL:

Also, I reckon if I tried to put some copper coins in my mouth whilst sober, I would gag. So perhaps it makes you yak?
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