Winter Fuel Payment

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Yes. And pensions have gone up by circa £2,500 p.a. since 2020.

Have you failed to notice, how much the cost of living has increased in that time? Just last week, I received a letter from my water supplier, to tell me my water bill will be almost doubling.

And as in the slimming jab forum, how many pensioners have a mobile?

I would hope that they all do have a mobile, it is a modern essential.
Or smoke? Or go the the bookies?

I do neither, nor do I know any pensioners who do.

£4/week? Mick or El..... ah never mind...

You keep repeating that, but it has been explained to you, it is more than compensated, many times over, by the millions they pay into the system in taxes.
It was just 25 days. They clearly had planned this all along

That's not how "government" works: not as a default, anyway.
It is what the Civil Service is for.

Government discovers / uncovers issue.
Government goes to relevant dept's Civil Service office, and says "What are our options?"
Civil Service gives X no. of options.
Government goes with one, that they believe addresses the issue, fits in with their manifesto / ideology / particular need at the time.

Suggested watching: Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister (y)
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They very obviously didn't.
Talk about absolute gullible 14 years to prepare to tax big business / non doms etc etc but seemingly they get taken by surprise and just decide to cut pensioners with no preplanned finances into it instead of going for the ones they had said they were going after for the past 14 years
I received a letter from my water supplier, to tell me my water bill will be almost doubling.
As most people did. Why should pensioners be special? Why should other low paid workers not get the WFA?
Have you failed to notice, how much the cost of living has increased in that time? Just last week, I received a letter from my water supplier, to tell me my water bill will be almost doubling.
The triple lock ensures pensioners more than keep up.
You keep repeating that, but it has been explained to you, it is more than compensated, many times over, by the millions they pay into the system in taxes.
That really is a silly reason for giving billionaires a £4 a week tax payer handout. They don't need it and should not be getting it in the first place.
Talk about absolute gullible 14 years to prepare to tax big business / non doms etc etc but seemingly they get taken by surprise and just decide to cut pensioners with no preplanned finances into it instead of going for the ones they had said they were going after for the past 14 years
Vote them out next time if you don't like it. That's how it works.
So that's further examples of how untrustworthy and hypocritical Labour are then.
Lets see them go after single people living on their own next which will be a double whammy for the pensioners. And then having a go at inheritance tax so that when the pensioner freezes to death labour can grab that money as well.
If you had made some comments about how the Tories had made the economy worse for MOST people, not just soome pensioners you might have a point.

Theres a big black hole in the finaances and many people cant afford to eat, even with a full time job.

Somebody (adults) need to sort things out and make some tough decisions for the benefit of all. The tories created this, you can't seriously expect them to carry on as they were.

Open your eyes and look at the bigger picture
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