You get £1 million but can only buy things you wanted/liked growing up , what do you buy?

I forgot the Prinny!

I did have a lift in an A reg Ambassador once.

But I think you're right. The 6 pot E-Series had some decent grunt and it was smooth.

A mate of mine tried to shoehorn one into his Maxi, along with its gearbox, but I never found out how successful it was, as I lost touch with the fella.
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It's amusing to see most of you will buy gas-guzzling cars with your windfall. It's almost as though none of you have heard the news...
It's amusing to see most of you will buy gas-guzzling cars with your windfall. It's almost as though none of you have heard the news...
You've missed the caveat in the question...

You get £1 million but can only buy things you wanted/liked growing up​

When I was young, the main playground discussions (...about things you could buy) were over cars and trainers! :)
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You've missed the caveat in the question...

When I was young, the main playground discussions (...about things you could buy) were over cars and trainers! :)
I didn't miss it; simply wondering what y'all gonna do with your noxious toys when the government ban them.:mrgreen:
I didn't miss it; simply wondering what y'all gonna do with your noxious toys when the government ban them.:mrgreen:
I'm sure some of the other £995'000 could pay for an electric conversion, and drastically improve the reliability! ;)
I always wanted a remote controlled car, one of the big ones. So I'd probably buy one of those, then never play with it and instead buy a proper car and drive off into the sunset.
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