You tell him, Rishi.

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Look like junk anyway, we should get rid of em, get something a. It more modern….maybe an exhibit of old iPhones :ROFLMAO:
theft can never ever be acceptable
yes you can have agreements where wrongs from the past can be corrected in a measured way but theft never ever should be ignored in this instance i suspect because it was enacted by a group who thought they where above the normal moral compass where "rules can be ignored " because off class and education but that said historical wrongs need to be corrected
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They weren't thieved - Lord Elgin obtained permission by the laws of the time and we ain't giving them back.
There is only an Italian translation of a document that no longer exists.
And the translation hasn't been legally verified!

As to the cancelled meeting, it's more likely that Richie Rich Sunak was running scared of a topic the Greeks were going to raise and using this as an excuse...

Namely the suggestion that the UK follow Greece and open up legal immigration/asylum routes which have shown to be quite successful there...

But Richie Rich Sunak would rather keep the xenophobic/racist pot bubbling rather than actually try and solve the issue ;)
They were legally purchased, shipped back to London and kept safe in the British Museum where the Turks couldn't bomb the crap out of them as they did to the Parthenon when the Greeks fought for independence in 1824.
They were legally purchased, shipped back to London and kept safe in the British Museum where the Turks couldn't bomb the crap out of them as they did to the Parthenon when the Greeks fought for independence in 1824.
You can of course provide us with a link so we can view a legally verified receipt for said items?
You can of course provide us with a link so we can view a legally verified receipt for said items?

The Greeks can of course provide us with a legally verified receipt when they took the country over, marbles and all?
The Greeks can of course provide us with a legally verified receipt when they took the country over, marbles and all?
Care to elaborate?

Ah, but 'tis all Greek to you...

It seems like they aren't the only ones who have lost their marbles :LOL:
Care to elaborate?
Not really. Not my job to educate you. I suppose you think we should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish and the Falklands back to Argentina too? How far back in history do you want to go. We're in the here and now so just suck it up.
There is only an Italian translation of a document that no longer exists.
And the translation hasn't been legally verified!

As to the cancelled meeting, it's more likely that Richie Rich Sunak was running scared of a topic the Greeks were going to raise and using this as an excuse...

Namely the suggestion that the UK follow Greece and open up legal immigration/asylum routes which have shown to be quite successful there...

But Richie Rich Sunak would rather keep the xenophobic/racist pot bubbling rather than actually try and solve the issue ;)
I think you may be misunderstanding what they are actually doing. I was out there until late October this year and still saw many pushbacks.
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