You tell him, Rishi.

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I thought we nicked it off the Welsh. Is nothing sacred anymore?

I've no idea what's going on with history

They'll be telling us Robin Hood is French next week.:LOL:
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Greeks / Greece

Run by a a military junta in what the 70s

Sick man of Western Europe

They went virtually bank rout and than attempted to scam the Germans / nerveless for world war 2 reperations

Income tax fraud was (us) a national past time

Good old since basically told the insignificant Greek PM to go and do one
He can scurry off back to Greece
The same mob afaik are under investigation for allowing migrants to drown in the Med

Towing ships out of there waters ect ect
Has anyone here actually seen the statues in the BM?
I popped in a few years ago on my way to see the Chessmen from Lewis, and wasn't that impressed: derived of context, stuck on metal poles in front of a bare wall, devoid of decoration they looked like rubble from a skip.
Why are we so determined to keep them at all - do you care if they're returned to Greece?
That’s the spirit. Just keep repeating that to yourself until the bitterness melts
The rate of stomach ulcers is 80% higher amongst brexit supporters.

You can tell by the non stop whining and the red complexion :ROFLMAO:
The rate of stomach ulcers is 80% higher amongst brexit supporters.

You can tell by the non stop whining and the red complexion :ROFLMAO:
Could you point out some of these so-called "Brexit whining" posts on here by Brexit supporters? The majority of non-stop Brexit whining posts I see on here are those by you, Ellal, noseall, Galahad and JohnD who try to shoehorn it into every post. All the Brexit supporters on here are quite happy with it.

extremely childish

its yet another culture war that Mottie and his fellow travellers fall for.

Sunak behaving like a petulant child just makes the U.K. look like a joke on the world stage
To be fair, its the politician condition to agree an agenda and then brief the press that we are going to ask for something awkward.

Every time we talk to china its human rights and Taiwan.. Sometimes you need to talk, build a relationship and then ask the tougher questions.

In this case it was the Greek PM behaving badly. The Agenda was agreed, and then he went public about the ask. So the meeting has been cancelled.
In this case it was the Greek PM behaving badly. The Agenda was agreed, and then he went public about the ask. So the meeting has been cancelled.
Someone shoul;d have told the interviewer not to ask awkward questions. :rolleyes:
What was he supposed to say, "sorry I've been told by your government not to discuss that"? :rolleyes:
If he hadn't have answered, he would have been lambasted for not answering. Damned if he did and damned if he didn't. :rolleyes:
Yes, If only politicians knew how to dodge questions. It was obvious grand standing. I can think of many more useful topics to discuss than the possession of something that has been here for nearly 200 years.
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