Your usual evening

My usual evenings would be tracking down Taliban. When on leave I like to cook and read.
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My evening start about 6 oclock with my tinnies being cracked open and a spliff. As it's spring, my conservatory window cills are chocka with young veg plants, so a bit of potting on to do now.
I hate T.V. unless it's documentories or similar. Sooner sit in the conny listening to Talking Heads. Usually have a mate or two around. Would love a proper job though.
After a usual 2 or 3 hour day- I am shattered.
Get back home- -crack open a beer -and then another .
Answer most of the questions on that bradly Walsh quiz-- and then run a bath for my 'other half' --before she gets home from her megga salary 6.5 hour day at work.
Then have a bath and turn on pc - and seek out 'certain animals' on DIYnot.
Throw in a bit of bait to the usual idiots -and leave them to chuck in the insults and fight amongst themselves :LOL: .
Then - eat my gourmet cooked meal (she finds it relaxing to cook- so I like to keep her happy) :LOL:
Then- a bit of TV -maybe - and then up the apples and pears to bed- and watch my Massive TV in the bedroom for a hour or so-- (catch up).
That's it.
Sometimes though- pop down to local country pub first and have a meal there .
depends how I feel.
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