Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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I'm not talking about a ceasefire, I'm talking about the unconditional surrender of Hamas, they cease hostilities and surrender power. It would be all over and Gaza can move forward, the killing can stop.

Why are 'pro Palestinians' so against this scenario, is it because it doesn't involve the destruction of Israel?
Its slightly less likely than Netanyahu arbitrarily calling a ceasefire as a show of good faith. So why waste time on it?

In the real world the footage of the strike at the school is harrowing. How the hell did they justify firing that close to civilians?
In the real world the footage of the strike at the school is harrowing. How the hell did they justify firing that close to civilians?

I've yet to read any explanations behind that strike, but in general, all the strikes are close to civilians, Hamas embed themselves in schools and hospitals, civilians and or Al Jazeera 'journalists' as well 'teachers' were among the civilians holding Israeli hostages in residential areas.

But that's Hamas's aim, maximum civilian deaths to maximise the PR benefit of that.
Al Jazeera 'journalists' as well 'teachers' were among the civilians holding Israeli hostages in residential areas.
Small correction, that's utter *******s. Not even the JPost claimed that.

The laws of war say you must do your best to minimise civilian casualties. Israel doesn't, they use Russian targeting rules where they only care if they kill the target and don't give a damn about collateral damage, Israeli or Palestinian.
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It's a problem that we have a vociferous lobby group trying to justify Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.
Maybe we should just call them a bunch of Goebbels?
No, because it's stupid and counter productive.

There have been plenty of Genocides to use as examples, the Nazis weren't the first or last, just the most prolific.
No, because it's stupid and counter productive.

There have been plenty of Genocides to use as examples, the Nazis weren't the first or last, just the most prolific.
Nope, it's kind of relative...

First or last?

"The one thing we don't learn from history is the history"

And you've just fallen into the same trap!
Russian targeting rules where they only care if they kill the target and don't give a damn about collateral damage,
23 Feb 2024 — Two years since the start of the Russian invasion, civilian death toll in Ukraine exceeded 10500 as of February 2024, as verified by OHCHR.
better to be a Ukrainian attacked by Russians, than a Palestinian attacked by Israelis.
Small correction, that's utter *******s. Not even the JPost claimed that.

it must be nice to be a captive that isn't chained to a bed, with no access to a lavatory, and having your limbs amputated without anaesthetic due to gangrene caused by the chains.

Thank gods the Palestinians are civilised people.
Not too healthy to be an Israeli attacked by Israelis either

"In a conclusion that may prove controversial among Be’eri survivors, the investigation appeared to clear Hiram of wrongdoing after he ordered IDF tanks to fire into a house where Hamas militants were holding 14 Israelis hostage.

Only two of those hostages survived the incident. They later told Israeli television they believed that IDF tank shells had caused the Israeli deaths, but the IDF investigation rejected that claim"


You can always believe the Israeli Army denials

Can you?
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