Zion and the Art of Armageddon

It's always tricky for anyone to explain why the Warsaw Rising was not a desperate act of resistance by a doomed people caged into a ghetto by an occupying foreign army, but a wicked act of violence by terrorists. And that therefore the destruction of the schools, hospitals, places of worship, cemeteries, museums, history, art, children and civilians was a justified act of revenge by the invaders.
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You're still ignoring the Cassus Belli for the October attack: Israel's occupation of Palestinian land. Israel's suppression of Palestinian people. Israel's avowed intent to occupy all Palestinian lands. Israel's rape and genocide of Palestinian people.

Would you not fight in their situation?

Israel destroyed all Israeli settlements and ceased occupying Gaza in 2005. You know this. Hamas hate the PA so they don't give a ***t about what's happening in the West Bank, which is an illegal occupation, so don't blame the Gazan invasion of Israel on what's happening in the West Bank.

Hamas invaded Israel because they hate the Jews, they want to destroy Israel and Iran gifted them the funds and weapons to be able to do this.

Stop crying 'it's not fair'. If you invade a country, murder and rape civilians, there will always be repercussions. Tough ***t.
You're still ignoring the Cassus Belli for the October attack: Israel's occupation of Palestinian land. Israel's suppression of Palestinian people. Israel's avowed intent to occupy all Palestinian lands. Israel's rape and genocide of Palestinian people.

Would you not fight in their situation?
I'd fight back/defend if attacked but they weren’t defending against an attack, were they?
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Because they are at war? It’s not a sporting event that they are trying to sell tickets to. It’s retribution for the invasion, slaughter, rape and hostage taking of innocent civilians or have you forgotten about that?
With one sided thinking like that, no wonder the violence will continue forever!

There have been 'retributions' from both sides over the decades...

Ever since zionist terrorists started murdering british soldiers and civilians before moving on to the murder and rape of Palestinians forcing them to flee their country...

Or have you forgotten that?

And do you know that up until recently the terrorist bombing of the Hotel David (the highest number of british subjects ever killed in a terrorist act) has been celebrated in Jerusalem and often attended by members of the Knesset, including Netanyahu?

There was even a motion in our Parliament condemning this!

So how many thousands of innocent people in Gaza/West Bank need to die this time around to satisfy your idea of 'retribution'?

Journalists put their lives on the line to tell the truth of the atrocities being committed (on both sides) , so are you saying that the slaughter being carried out by the state of Israel shouldn't be reported but the actions of Hamas should?
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So how many thousands of innocent people in Gaza/West Bank need to die this time around to satisfy your idea of 'retribution'?
As many as needed for Israel to be satisfied that they won’t try another cowardly attack on innocent civilians at a music festival I’d imagine. Israel will decide when to stop, not self proclaimed historians and international statesmen such as yourself.
And do you know that up until recently the terrorist bombing of the Hotel David (the highest number of british subjects ever killed in a terrorist act) has been celebrated in Jerusalem and often attended by members of the Knesset, including Netanyahu?

The 7/7 London bombings saw 32 British dead, 28 at the King David hotel.
I'd fight back/defend if attacked but they weren’t defending against an attack, were they?
Hamas justified its attack as a response to what it calls Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.

These include security raids on Islam's third holiest site - the al-Aqsa Mosque, in occupied East Jerusalem - and Jewish settlement activity in the occupied West Bank.

They've got their excuses as well.

Hamas is a terrorist organisation because of their actions. Israel has stooped to the same level and deserves the same treatment.
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There have been 'retributions' from both sides over the decades...

Perhaps people should look at the history of uprisings in the British empire. Sorts of things that happened - both sides and the shape of eventual solutions. Do those always work out well? Interesting question.

Toss in the Crusades and think of the implications it has on this general area. It's also worth considering religious fables. Hard to call them anything else even if someone believes God exists. The 3 branches in this area all relate to the same God. Different interpretations of the meaning and people concerned. All used at one point or the other to control people and unite them. In some cases it still does. In one case it's not so obvious. There are even splinter groups in each one.
The far-right in Israel and America are curious bedfellows, united in one aim: to bring about the state of Israel in it's ancient form - the Kingdom of David. They've both used a variety of ways over the years to achieve their political goals but while our media are quick to deplore the actions of the far-right in America, the extremists in Israel get a free pass: Kach, Otzma Yehudit, and Eretz Yisrael Shelanu are all represented in the Knesset and adhere to Revisionist Zionism, a creed that advocates violence in order to expand Israel's territory beyond the West Bank and even into TransJordan, where 50,000 Palestinian refugees still live in camps.

All this political militancy was brought in from Eastern Europe and has nothing to do with traditional Judaism, infected with Inter-war Idealism of the 20s and 30s with an unholy brew of Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyism and our old foe: Fascism. They see violence as the only way to bring about the return of the Kingdom and Evangelical Christians support them to bring about their own Revelation with The Rapture. Naturally, Trump knows little and cares less about these matters but is willing to do whatever it takes in order to gain power. Netanyahu knows more and cares only for his own vengeance on the people who took his brother's life and is willing to slake his thirst in the blood of every Palestinian, regardless of world opinion.

"Some day this war's gonna end..." but not until Hamas is destroyed, he says. While Netanyahu's supporters cheer him on to greater acts of revenge in Gaza, the settlers grow along the West Bank, eroding any hope of a peaceful settlement. Enjoy the war while you can, lads. The peace will be terribly dull.
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