Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Is it better to let one guilty man go free or kill thousands in search of justice? :unsure:
Bibi is a guilty man, and killing tens of thousands to escape justice ;)

He was warned by several sources what was about to happen and he decided to 'ignore' those warnings!
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Bibi is a guilty man, and killing tens of thousands to escape justice ;)

He was warned by several sources what was about to happen and he decided to 'ignore' those warnings!
When this is all over he'll be in a jail cell...unless someone decides to take a pop at his fat head an' all.:evil:
When this is all over he'll be in a jail cell.
I don't think Israel or the USA recognise the ICJ or ICC. Visit one that does and if there is a judgement they probably will be locked up.
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When this is all over he'll be in a jail cell...unless someone decides to take a pop at his fat head an' all.:evil:

If, however, his objective was to slaughter thousands of Palestinans, to seize more Palestinian land, to destroy more Palestinian history, culture, cemeteries and buildings, regardless of international condemnation, and to create more racial and ethnic hatred for the future, then his actions would make perfect sense. He might even consider it was worth laying down his life if it would further his ambition to create permanent hatred.
Israel has no respect for international law.
It demonstrated that as long ago as 1960 when it kidnapped an ex-Nazi in Argentina, and on another occasion kidnapped and killed a scientist in Germany.
Irrespective of the immorality of the Nazis, it simply is not legal to kidnap someone in another country, and to illegally extradite them to Israel, nor to kidnap them and kill them.

Israel has a long track record of assassinating its enemies.
I didn't see any references to the assassination of Lord Moyne or Count Folke Bernadotte and the planned assassination of Clement Attlee.

If, however, his objective was to slaughter thousands of Palestinans, to seize more Palestinian land, to destroy more Palestinian history, culture, cemeteries and buildings, regardless of international condemnation, and to create more racial and ethnic hatred for the future, then his actions would make perfect sense. He might even consider it was worth laying down his life if it would further his ambition to create permanent hatred.
If hamas didn't kill 1200 innocent people then maybe we would'nt be where we are today ? they knew full well Israel would retaliate, so i have not one ounce of sympathy for them.
I didn't see any references to the assassination of Lord Moyne or Count Folke Bernadotte and the planned assassination of Clement Attlee.

I wasn't suggesting that those assassinations were not indicative of Israel's or Zionist's disregard for international law.
I just mentioned a few. There are numerous other examples of Israel and/or Zionists disregarding international law.
If hamas didn't kill 1200 innocent people then maybe we would'nt be where we are today ? they knew full well Israel would retaliate, so i have not one ounce of sympathy for them.
The conflict did not start last October. It started in the late 1800s. And it's been continuing ever since.

The history of the immigration of Jews to Palestine is similar to the immigration of Europeans to South Africa, i.e. perceiving the promise of land for the taking. They just needed to overcome the hostility of the indigenous natives defending their land.
An eye for an eye really does make the world blind.
Speaking of witch...

Associated Press reports Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that the apparent assassination attempt targeting former U.S. President Donald Trump was “an attack on America.”

Without a trace of irony, it seems, apparently oblivious to the way America's President is subject to checks on his power: Donald Trump is not 'America'...unless he's taking that 'Sun King' nonsense seriously. :arrow:
If hamas didn't kill 1200 innocent people then maybe we would'nt be where we are today ? they knew full well Israel would retaliate, so i have not one ounce of sympathy for them.
Maybe the Israeli government should accept some responsibility for the Hamas attacks on October 7th.
Allowing a pop concert in a warzone wasn't a very good idea.
If hamas didn't kill 1200 innocent people then maybe we would'nt be where we are today ? they knew full well Israel would retaliate, so i have not one ounce of sympathy for them.
As occupied Palestinians can be fully justified via law in terms of attacking the occupier but not in some ways that they did however these rules do not account for what actually happened. Hamas attacked the occupying country. No excuse for them but that is what happened. WWII has plenty of info on the allies getting up to all sorts. Brits rather glossed over. "Troops" can get out of control.

Conversely Israel should work to the laws associated with an occupier, They don't and in general never have. Ever even when western powers said here is piece of land for you. Laws different but israeli actions similar. This sort of behaviour just buries trouble that never goes away. It always comes back hence people mentioning a lasting solution is needed - a separate state. The situation is similar to uprisings in the British and other's empires.

The powers that be in Israel have no interest what so ever in a separate state. Nothing new about that. Last time a peace treaty was achieved the Israeli who signed it was shot by his own side and the deal hasn't achieved what it should have done anyway.

Hamas, Hamas, Hamas. In practice there are several groups spread about within the Palestinians not just them.
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