Zion and the Art of Armageddon

The Druze have no affection for their glorious leader - he wanted to visit the site of the latest attack by Hezbollah but the victims families told him he wasn't welcome there.


Locals could be heard chanting "Killer! Killer!", "Get out, war criminal" and "You’re not welcome here!" as the premier, accompanied by the head of Israeli intelligence service Shin Bet, arrived at the site of Saturday’s massacre. newArab.com
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Under Israeli law, UNRWA is about to be declared a terrorist organisation

'When you're in a hole, keep digging', seems to be the mantra of these Zionist nutcases.

Last week the Knesset, gave preliminary approval to a bill declaring the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) a “terrorist organisation”. Should it become Israeli law, the terrorist designation would give a domestic legal cover (albeit in violation of international law) for the Israeli regime to attack UNRWA’s staff and infrastructure, as it has already done by murdering close to 200 personnel, but this time without having to seek to justify itself or claim the slaughter of UNRWA’s staffers were “tragic mistakes” whenever it faces criticisms from its allies.

If it officially declares UNRWA a “terrorist organisation” under its domestic law, for Israel, eliminating the 30,000 staff of UNRWA including, presumably, its head Philippe Lazzarini, would become not only “a right, but indeed a duty”, to paraphrase US Secretary of State Antony Blinken who repeated ad nauseam since October 7 what the ICJ deems illegal, namely the use of force to defend an illegal occupation. It is against this prospect that the UN ought to react, forcefully, to this latest Israeli provocation before the wanton slaughtering en masse of UNRWA staff starts.

Thus, if this law is enacted, serious consideration ought to be given to taking measures against the rogue Israeli regime in accordance with Article 6 of the UN Charter which provides that “a Member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council”.

Is Netanyahoo prepared to risk expulsion from the UN as the war in Gaza rumbles on and Hezbollah is poised in Southern Lebanon?
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Under Israeli law, UNRWA is about to be declared a terrorist organisation

'When you're in a hole, keep digging', seems to be the mantra of these Zionist nutcases.

Last week the Knesset, gave preliminary approval to a bill declaring the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) a “terrorist organisation”. Should it become Israeli law, the terrorist designation would give a domestic legal cover (albeit in violation of international law) for the Israeli regime to attack UNRWA’s staff and infrastructure, as it has already done by murdering close to 200 personnel, but this time without having to seek to justify itself or claim the slaughter of UNRWA’s staffers were “tragic mistakes” whenever it faces criticisms from its allies.

If it officially declares UNRWA a “terrorist organisation” under its domestic law, for Israel, eliminating the 30,000 staff of UNRWA including, presumably, its head Philippe Lazzarini, would become not only “a right, but indeed a duty”, to paraphrase US Secretary of State Antony Blinken who repeated ad nauseam since October 7 what the ICJ deems illegal, namely the use of force to defend an illegal occupation. It is against this prospect that the UN ought to react, forcefully, to this latest Israeli provocation before the wanton slaughtering en masse of UNRWA staff starts.

Thus, if this law is enacted, serious consideration ought to be given to taking measures against the rogue Israeli regime in accordance with Article 6 of the UN Charter which provides that “a Member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council”.

Is Netanyahoo prepared to risk expulsion from the UN as the war in Gaza rumbles on and Hezbollah is poised in Southern Lebanon?
It's another way of denying aid to Palestinians.
According to the Jerusalem Post. :rolleyes:
Try an independent source.
Druze make up only 1.6% of the population in Israel, and about 20,000 members of the Druze community still live in the Golan Heights. Most of them are in Lebanon and Syria. They're required to serve in the IDF but how many willingly do so is open to question - In late June 2023 when Druze protesters demonstrated against the construction of wind turbines in the Golan, they were met with Israeli tear gas, sponge-tipped bullets and a water cannon. The Fascist response to democratic protest.
:) Gee Odds you may have found an extra 0,.1% :) however I can't remember what I posted.

I have read somewhere that they do serve in the IDF. That may be tied to citizenship. No numbers given.
:) Gee Odds you may have found an extra 0,.1% :) however I can't remember what I posted.

I have read somewhere that they do serve in the IDF. That may be tied to citizenship. No numbers given.
It was more misleading than just the .1%
Most Druze live in northern Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. In Israel, they have full citizenship rights and comprise about 1.5% of the population.
Only a fraction of Druze live in Israel. And they don't automatically have full citizenship rights. Only a small percentage apply for it.
We don't know the success rate of their applications.
One broadcast yesterday showed a fire in Rafar. Taken from a distance. About all that has come out from there in a rather long period now. Large bomb mentioned but pretty clearly a fire.
After decades of only serving alongside fellow community members, the Druze soldiers of the Herev Battalion will begin integrating into the rest of the IDF’s forces. On May 18th, Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot officially announced the closing of the Druze-only battalion in response to the minority community’s interest in sending their young, brave men to serve in combat roles across all IDF units. The Druze make up one of Israel’s largest minority groups, comprising of more than 100,000 people.

Since the founding of the State of Israel, the members of the Druze community have established themselves as loyal citizens, reliable allies, and dutiful soldiers. Eighty percent of the Druze population in Israel drafts into the IDF and among the Druze soldiers who are currently serving, thirty nine percent are in combat roles. They are highly motivated to serve in meaningful roles and many of them have sacrificed their lives for the country.

It was more misleading than just the .1%
I don't generally play ping pong posts but I can assure you 1.5% related to Israel. Try Lebanon and this pops up
Druze are estimated at 5.2 per cent of the Lebanese population and are located mainly in the Matn, Gharb and Shuf, and smaller communities in Wadi al-Taym in southern Lebanon and in Beirut.
If the victims had been Israeli Jews , I imagine that Israels response would have been a lot more robust.
I imagine that Israels response would have been a lot more robust
That still seems to be TBD but I suspect the US may have an interest in that.

A view from Lebanon's PM is that Israel do not need to have a ground war. This probably relates to 2006 (?) where they nocked out infrastructure. More bombs etc not boots.
a “terrorist organisation”.

The Israeli army.

Israeli army gunmen make special efforts to shoot children, and adults, in the knees, with the objective of making them amputees or lifelong cripples, if they do not quickly bleed to death.

What else can you expect from a fascist army performing racist oppression and genocide?

Sharp-eyed @fillyboy will notice that this started before what he likes to think is the start of the current "war"
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