Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Crocodile tears from Ellal who's trying to justify it by hinting that they shouldn’t have been there in the first place so it’s the fault of the Jews. I'm just surprised he didn’t throw one of his traditional 'Oops' into his post.
That part of the world, The Golan Heights, Mount Lebanon, etc, is the ancestral home of the Druze people. They comprise just 1.6% of the Israeli population, and only a fraction of those have full Israeli citizenship rights. They speak Arabic, have their own religion which is descended from Islam.
About 50% of them live in Syria, 40% live in Lebanon, and only about 10% live in Israel.
Many Israeli Druze do not participate in Israeli society, nor have they taken Israeli citizenship.
During the Palestine- Israel conflicts they have tried to maintain neutrality.
So they're not really Jewish nor Israeli, and it's difficult to understand why Hezbollah would attack them.
Hezbollah have denied it was them that attacked this site.
Hezbollah have blamed the strike on a wayward Israeli defence missile.
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So they're not really Jewish nor Israeli, and it's difficult to understand why Hezbollah would attack them.
If it was an attack on the Druze then it is indeed puzzling...

Since the Druze were prominent in ethnic cleansing of christians in Lebanon
Crocodile tears from Ellal who's trying to justify it by hinting that they shouldn’t have been there in the first place so it’s the fault of the Jews. I'm just surprised he didn’t throw one of his traditional 'Oops' into his post.
You do really like to amuse us...

So it's ok for a mindless thug to take action if someone tries to steal their property on their land...

So what would mottie think about the land itself being stolen from underneath him?

But as usual the mottie mistakes criticism of the state of Israel with racism...

No doubt he'll repeat his endless record of failure to actually address the problem...

Namely that Israel is illegally occupying land and expanding it's settlements illegally...

But maybe mottie is simply enjoying watching the violence unfold?
Australia loses patience with Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.

"Australia imposed financial sanctions and travel bans yesterday on seven Israeli settlers and a youth group it said had been involved in violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, Reuters has reported.

The unnamed group was responsible for inciting and perpetrating violence against Palestinians, while the settlers had been involved in beatings, sexual assault and torture and in some cases death, explained Foreign Minister Penny Wong.

“We call on Israel to hold perpetrators of settler violence to account and to cease its ongoing settlement activity, which only inflames tensions and further undermines stability and prospects for a two-state solution,” said Wong.

The move by the Australian government comes after allies Britain, the US, Canada and Japan also sanctioned some Israeli settlers in response to the violence in the occupied West Bank."

Thanks to filly and motorbiking for reminding us of Israel's crimes.
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More Gazans told to evacuate on top of the ones already mentioned.

Meanwhile Benjamin rushes back from the US due to Lebanon. Seems something needs to be done. Pundit views on what vary. Some feel it may be infrastructure hits as per last time. Read punishment. Generally pundits feel neither side will be keen on full scale war.
Most Druze live in northern Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. In Israel, they have full citizenship rights and comprise about 1.5% of the population.
Only about 20% of Israeli Druze have taken Israeli citizenship.
But the total Israeli Druze makeup about 1.5% of Israel population.
They are part of an Arabic-speaking ethnic and religious group based in Lebanon, Syria, the Golan Heights and northern Israel.

Those on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights have been under Israeli governance since Israel captured the area from Syria in the 1967 war, although many have retained their allegiance to Syria. There are about 21,000 who live on the rocky plateau, about 20% of whom have accepted Israeli citizenship.
Those who apply for, and are successful in gaining Israeli citizenship have a right to vote in the Israeli political process.
Israel does not recognise the Druze as a a separate people.
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