Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Also much debate about if it is Iran backed at times.

Is there? We know some funding comes from Qatar, and maybe one or two other players, but Iran is the main weapons supplier. Just checked, Hezbollah are sitting on a stockpile of 150,000 rockets.
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funding comes from Qatar,
2 views on that as far as Gaza is concerned. One yours the other that they fund Hamas's civic job salaries style. A country can not be run without these services That will include fire and all sorts.

One Israeli was been pretty clear about it, He had no idea how much or what it's used for. Also from memory it arrives once a month. Sorry about size from a copy paste

Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years – with Israel’s backing. Here’s what we know about the controversial deal​

That link mentions possible reasons but the main reason is pretty well known. Suitcases I suspect is a an exaggeration. I vaguely remember an image.
Filly wants to divert the thread away from Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.
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Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry Confirmed European by mtDNA Tests​

Noah Wiener October 10, 2013 29 Comments 19396 views Share
A recent study on mitochondrial DNA revealed that the female line of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry closely resembles that of Southern and Western Europe, rather than the ancient Near East, as many scholars proposed in the past. Ashkenazim, a Jewish group who migrated to Central and Eastern Europe, make up the majority of the world’s Jewish population today. A recent article in Nature Communications discusses the results mtDNA tests. The article, written by a team of scientists led by the University of Huddersfield’s Martin B. Richards, includes the following in its abstract:
Like Judaism, mitochondrial DNA is passed along the maternal line. Its variation in the Ashkenazim is highly distinctive, with four major and numerous minor founders … we show that all four major founders, ~40% of Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the remaining minor founders share a similar deep European ancestry. Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.
Using DNA to trace deep ancestry is flawed.
It can be interpreted in any number of ways.


Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry Confirmed European by mtDNA Tests​

Noah Wiener October 10, 2013 29 Comments 19396 views Share
A recent study on mitochondrial DNA revealed that the female line of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry closely resembles that of Southern and Western Europe, rather than the ancient Near East, as many scholars proposed in the past. Ashkenazim, a Jewish group who migrated to Central and Eastern Europe, make up the majority of the world’s Jewish population today. A recent article in Nature Communications discusses the results mtDNA tests. The article, written by a team of scientists led by the University of Huddersfield’s Martin B. Richards, includes the following in its abstract:

Using DNA to trace deep ancestry is flawed.
It can be interpreted in any number of ways.

It gets a bit silly arguing about this sort of thing, JohnD and Odds are nuts enough to debate it forever, I thought you were a bit less of an eejit.
The bottom line is that both Jews and Arabs have been there as far back as can be traced, no-one can prove either was there first. The arrival of 'modern' jews through migration or repatriation is a different matter, as is modern arabs identifying with the nationality of a state that didn't actually exist.
It gets a bit silly arguing about this sort of thing, JohnD and Odds are nuts enough to debate it forever, I thought you were a bit less of an eejit.
The bottom line is that both Jews and Arabs have been there as far back as can be traced, no-one can prove either was there first. The arrival of 'modern' jews through migration or repatriation is a different matter, as is modern arabs identifying with the nationality of a state that didn't actually exist.
Sorry the Iranians were there 3000 years before the first Jews.

This part of the middle east has been continuously inhabited for 10,000 years.
Different population groups have come and gone including Jews.
The point is, if Jews can claim ownership of the land based on residence there at some point in the distant past, then why can't others.
I am just highlighting the absurdity of the Zionists justification for taking other people's territory.
This part of the middle east has been continuously inhabited for 10,000 years.
Different population groups have come and gone including Jews.
The point is, if Jews can claim ownership of the land based on residence there at some point in the distant past, then why can't others.
I am just highlighting the absurdity of the Zionists justification for taking other people's territory.

Wasn't it more about trying to find a homeland for a displaced people and the newly formed UN supported by the majority of the world decided that the Levant, the Holy land, call it what you will, was the most suitable place, and the arabs, who coinhabited that particular area with the jews were offered the same deal, except the arabs said **** off, we'll go to war instead.
It gets a bit silly arguing about this sort of thing, JohnD and Odds are nuts enough to debate it forever, I thought you were a bit less of an eejit.
The bottom line is that both Jews and Arabs have been there as far back as can be traced, no-one can prove either was there first. The arrival of 'modern' jews through migration or repatriation is a different matter, as is modern arabs identifying with the nationality of a state that didn't actually exist.
No need you old janjansy. You got pwned on that matter ages ago. :cool:
It gets a bit silly arguing about this sort of thing, JohnD and Odds are nuts enough to debate it forever, I thought you were a bit less of an eejit.
Filly presents some DNA argument to support Jews right to the Holy Land.
JohnD and Odds refute the DNA 'evidence' presented by filly.
So filly says the DNA is irrelevant and anyone discussing it is nuts and eejits.

A song for Filly

Filly presents some DNA argument to support Jews right to the Holy Land.
JohnD and Odds refute the DNA 'evidence' presented by filly.
So filly says the DNA is irrelevant and anyone discussing it is nuts and eejits.

No, I presented a DNA argument simply to establish that Jews have been around at least as long as arabs identifying as Palestinians as both descended from Cananites who were there before both. I don't believe the Jews had any overriding claim on the holy land until 1948 when that right was gifted to them by the UN, as it was to the arabs who declined the kind offer.
Wasn't it more about trying to find a homeland for a displaced people and the newly formed UN supported by the majority of the world decided that the Levant, the Holy land, call it what you will, was the most suitable place, and the arabs, who coinhabited that particular area with the jews were offered the same deal, except the arabs said **** off, we'll go to war instead.
The British originally envisaged a Bi National state for Jews and Arabs in Palestine.
The Zionists wanted a state for Jews alone, nothing wrong with a Jewish state in principle but what do you do with the millions of non Jews who would be trapped inside the borders of this state.
as is modern arabs identifying with the nationality of a state that didn't actually exist.

Modern Arabs saying their homeland is where they and their ancestors have lived for thousands of years?

And modern Zionists from Europe and America slaughtering them and stealing their land?

You'll be telling us next that Israel's policy of racist apartheid and genocide is "complicated."

It isn't complicated.

It's a crime against humanity.
The British originally envisaged a Bi National state for Jews and Arabs in Palestine.
The Zionists wanted a state for Jews alone, nothing wrong with a Jewish state in principle but what do you do with the millions of non Jews who would be trapped inside the borders of this state.

And the arabs wanted a state for arabs alone, both sides failed to get what they wanted.
No, I presented a DNA argument simply to establish that Jews have been around at least as long as arabs identifying as Palestinians as both descended from Cananites who were there before both. I don't believe the Jews had any overriding claim on the holy land until 1948 when that right was gifted to them by the UN, as it was to the arabs who declined the kind offer.
Yes, as you say, the UN gifted the land, which the UN had no authority over, to the Jews, in denial of the Palestinian wishes.
The UN has no authority over any territory.
If anyone had any authority over Palestine at that time, it was the British, and they abstained in that UN vote.
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