Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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More nonsense from filly.

He sees people who disapprove of racism, apartheid and genocide

And pretends they do not.
Get myself a scaffold bar.
If you were in Palestine, you would be shot. Resistance is not tolerated by the invaders.

You can also be shot for looking out of your bedroom window, standing near someone suspected of throwing a stone, pegging out washing on the roof of your house, standing at a bus stop waiting to go to school, or being in your family car calling for help after all your family have been machine-gunned to death by a tank parked nearby.

Filly thinks that anyone objecting to racist murder is motivated by religious intolerance.
Filly thinks that anyone objecting to racist murder is motivated by religious intolerance.
One would have thought that the vast majority of the 750,000 protesting for a ceasefire and an end to the killing were Jews...

Thus under 'filly logic' they must hate themselves :rolleyes:
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A quote that could be attributed to a CNN journalist talking about Donald Trump but is actually from Gibney, the director of Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, talking to the audience following the screening a new documentary. According to the documentary – which Bloom began working on before 7 October, when a source provided Gibney with the leaked videos – Netanyahu’s lawyer filed a motion to delay the trial currently scheduled for December. The lawyer cites the ongoing war as the reason. A member of what appeared to be a largely pro-Israel audience policed Gibney’s language, interrupting the producer to clarify that Netanyahu had not yet been found guilty. The attempts at seizing control of the narrative, both on screen and off, didn’t end there.

The incriminating evidence in the interrogation videos has already been leaked and reported on by Israeli media. But the videos will never be shown to the public (at least legally) in that country. According to Gibney, Israeli law grants privacy to subjects who have been photographed in official proceedings, which would make publication of the footage illegal. “It’s a peculiar law to Israel [that] doesn’t affect the rest of the world,” Gibney said.

The Bibi Files contextualizes the interrogation videos with a portrait of Netanyahu, whose career is built on stoking fear and promising security, and whose personal life is largely in service of his wife Sara’s turbulent moods and expensive lifestyle. Sara Netanyahu’s erratic testimonies and outbursts during testimony are also included in the footage.

Insiders like the Israeli journalist Raviv Drucker, former Shin Bet head Ami Ayalon, a childhood friend and more are on hand as talking heads. They connect the dots and reveal the long-running pattern of Netanyahu serving his own interests while clinging to power – from deliberate ploys to sabotage an alliance between the West Bank and Gaza by enabling Hamas, to his alliance with the violent far right and attempted overhaul of the supreme court to save himself from prosecution.
On October 8, Hezbollah began launching attacks on Israel in solidarity with the Palestinian people trapped in Gaza as Israel waged war on the enclave.


Israel has attacked Hezbollah nearly four times that of the Lebanese group, tallying more than 7,800 attacks along the 120km (75-mile) border.

Allahu Akhbar@Al Jazeera
Israel has attacked Hezbollah nearly four times that of the Lebanese group, tallying more than 7,800 attacks along the 120km (75-mile) border.

The other day the IDF destroyed an Iranian missile production factory in Syria. The factory was built underground to protect it from airstrikes. IDF sent in a special forces team to penetrate the factory and blow it up from within.
Not seen any reports on casualties, I expect there were a few.
Censorship has been a weapon that Israeli universities have wielded systematically against those daring to speak up for Palestinian rights and against Israel’s excesses for many decades but especially since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. One of the most prominent recent victims of this weapon has been Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI). In mid-April this year she was arrested by the Israeli police for her criticism of Zionism and Israel’s ongoing genocidal campaign in Gaza.

For months before her arrest, Shalhoub-Kevorkian had been the target of a smear campaign, which aimed to depict her words and writings as an “incitement of violence” against the State of Israel. While this campaign was publicly led by Israeli authorities and the media, its roots can be traced back to Shalhoub-Kevorkian’s employer. In March, after Shalhoub-Kevorkian called for the abolition of Zionism during a TV interview, the leadership sent her a letter of suspension, in which it called her a national and international embarrassment, adding that HUJI is a “proud Israeli, public and Zionist institution”. The letter was once again made public and even sent directly to some members of the Knesset. Shalhoub-Kevorkian said the letter “fueled an incitement campaign that included dangerous and unprecedented threats” targeting her and her family.

Of course, none of this is true. As anthropologist Maya Wind’s authoritative book Towers of Ivory and Steel reveals, Israeli universities have long contributed to Palestinian oppression. “Academic disciplines, degree programs, campus infrastructure, and research laboratories all service Israeli occupation and apartheid, while universities violate the rights of Palestinians to education, stifle critical scholarship, and violently repress student dissent.”

For now, as Israel continues its campaign in Gaza with impunity, it seems that the surge of boycotts will also continue. In fact, a recent ICJ ruling suggests that BDS against Israel, including its higher education institutions, is not only an option but an obligation given that Israel illegally occupies Palestinian territory and “practices apartheid and racial segregation”. The court said it is the duty of all states to venture to end these unlawful practices “by cutting off all economic, trade and investment relations with Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”.

Somdeep Sen@Al Jazeera
That actually is what the genocide aspect is about. Not what people might assume the term means,
No, it isn't. Israel does implement apartheid and racial segregation and it's committing genocide by trying to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people.
The Balfour declaration refers to a Jewish home in Palestine, not a Jewish state.

But goes on to describe 'Palestine' as as area within the Turkish Ottoman Empire, and let's not forget, before UN resolution 181, the Jews had the foresight to buy an awful lot of land off the Turks.
I wonder why fillyboy is pretending he has never actually read the Balfour declaration.
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