Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Too right. Just look at what happened on October 7th! Now they don’t want to play any more!
You keep saying this as if nothing happened in the years preceding the event to instigate the latest war. Despite everything posted in this thread, and many other news sources, you simply ignore the inconvenient truths and persist with a self-serving narrative that precludes any Palestinian right to self-defence.
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You keep saying this as if nothing happened in the years preceding the event to instigate the latest war. Despite everything posted in this thread, and many other news sources, you simply ignore the inconvenient truths and persist with a self-serving narrative that precludes any Palestinian right to self-defence.
It’s what kicked off the current retaliation attack. Why does nobody seem to want to acknowledge that? That seems to be the inconvenient truth for a few on this forum.
“Call me Yakov,” the burly, red-bearded settler told the Palestinian villagers who lived in his shadow. They should, it was understood, consider him their mukhtar, their chief, mayor and sheriff. It was only after he was singled out for sanctions by the US government last week that they learned his real name: Yitzhak Levi Filant.

Reservists such as Filant were called back into duty and he has recruited young male settlers to form what is known locally as “Yakov’s army”. Yitzhar’s religious school, or yeshiva, is known for teaching Jewish militancy, and was closed for more than a year in 2014 on the grounds it served as the base for attacks on Palestinians.

At harvest time, the settlers routinely stop the villagers reaching their olive trees and have, on occasion, set fire to the hillside groves. According to Najjar and another local man, the settlers set trees alight in early August and Filant prevented the village fire truck from reaching the blaze for crucial and costly minutes before the army arrived with a military fire engine. Significant losses resulted. Yesh Din, an Israeli human rights organisation which monitors the area, said it had “documented incidents of violence against Palestinians by Israeli settlers and security forces throughout the years, including dozens of incidents involving Filant”.

When a local man threatened to complain about his activities to the IDF district liaison office (DCO), “Yakov” reportedly told him: “I am the DCO, I am the Shabak [the security agency], I am the police, I am the army. I am all of them. I am all the world.”

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said he viewed with “utmost severity” the US sanctions on Filant and a group called Hashomer Yosh, which provides guards for illegal settler outposts on the West Bank. The Biden decision was also lambasted by US Republicans such as Senator Marco Rubio, who said: “Israel has a functioning judicial system that is fully capable of prosecuting crimes committed within its borders.”

A letter from Yesh Din to the IDF command demanding Filant be fired has so far been ignored.

the Guardian
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It’s what kicked off the current retaliation attack. Why does nobody seem to want to acknowledge that? That seems to be the inconvenient truth for a few on this forum.
So, someone moves into your neighbourhood, claims the land around your allotment and moves in to destroy everything grown in there with fire and axe. You complain to the police...they do nothing. What would you do next?
So, someone moves into your neighbourhood, claims the land around your allotment and moves in to destroy everything grown in there with fire and axe. You complain to the police...they do nothing. What would you do next?
Given that mottie has a history of violent reaction, I think we can guess...

Just the same as the Palestians therefore!

Which would escalate the situation...

And so on and so on :rolleyes:
So, someone moves into your neighbourhood, claims the land around your allotment and moves in to destroy everything grown in there with fire and axe. You complain to the police...they do nothing. What would you do next?
I’d carry out a surprise attack, kill or rape 1200 of their friends and family and take 250 of them hostage. Of course, I’d expect them to wipe me and my friends and family from the face of the earth after that but hey ho, it was worth a try….
, I’d expect them to wipe me and my friends and family from the face of the earth
That is a rational reaction, the only problem is, for that reaction to be effective, you have to kill them all.
If you don't kill them all, then those left alive will wait for the next opportunity to take their revenge.
That is when you get into what is called a cycle of violence, so in effect by killing Palestinians today you are condemning Israelis to death in the future.
Jews and Arabs have lived in peace before and can do again.
The real problem isn't between Jews and Arabs, it is the poisonous influence of so called white Europeans in the region.
That is when you get into what is called a cycle of violence, so in effect by killing Palestinians today you are condemning Israelis to death in the future.
Unless you wipe them off the face of the earth which I believe that is what Israel are trying to do.
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Unless you wipe them off the face of the earth which I believe that is what Israel are trying to do.
Which is what you claim the other side wants to do to israel...

Neither is possible or desirable, but the pointless killing will continue indefinitely until a just peace is negotiated...

And that can only be a two state solution!

Meanwhile israel is now attacking 3 countries in addition to Palestinian territory...

And 750,000 decent israelis protested demanding a ceasefire...

Sooner or later the extremist bibi will be taken out of office, because a large percentage of those protesting will be members of the IDF who will eventually turn against his genocide!
The Zionists current genocidal aim is to exterminate or expel all Palestinians and steal all their land. They have been doing this for over 70 years.

However they are incapable of exterminating all Arabs and all Moslems and all people who are opposed to genocide.
The Zionists current genocidal aim is to exterminate or expel all Palestinians and steal all their land. They have been doing this for over 70 years.

However they are incapable of exterminating all Arabs and all Moslems and all people who are opposed to genocide.

The Jew hating is strong tonight.
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