Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Palestinians have faced an existential fight for their survival since the first Israeli invasion in 1948 and the many Israeli invasions since.

You must be looking at the wrong history books. In 1948 Israel was invaded by Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq.
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Rubbish, something like 700/800 thousand left Israel. Some were forced out, hundreds not thousands, the bulk left at the invitation of Jordan and Egypt for safety until the 1948 war was over and they had defeated the Jews.
1,000,000 Arabs stayed in Israel and became Israeli citizens.
And how many since?
“It is a new Nakba,” said Issa Ahmad Baghdad, 71, referring to the expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians in 1948 after the creation of Israel.

Over 40,000 killed just in the last year.
Currently 5000 in Israel prisons.
You must be looking at the wrong history books. In 1948 Israel was invaded by Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq.
Israel was created in 1948 by forcing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians out of their family land and homes.

That was not in the UN Resolution. That was criminal and wanton violence against Palestinians.
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Rubbish, something like 700/800 thousand left Israel. Some were forced out, hundreds not thousands, the bulk left at the invitation of Jordan and Egypt for safety until the 1948 war was over and they had defeated the Jews.
1,000,000 Arabs stayed in Israel and became Israeli citizens.
There are now about 6,000,000 Palestinians in various refugee camps.
Where do you think they all materialised from?

Coincidentally, it's about the same amount of Jews that were killed in the Holocaust.

Jan. 5, 2024, at 12:27 p.m.
Months into the war between Israel and Hamas, the plight of the “largest stateless community worldwide” is receiving greater attention.
Today, there are about 6 million Palestinian refugees scattered across three countries, the West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip.
That whole article is total nonsense. About 7/800 thousand left Israel, mainly for Jordan
and that number has grown to about 2.5 million. All classed as refugees because Palestinians are the only refugees in the world who can pass refugee status down through the generations.
It's also a nonsense to class the 2 million plus population of Gaza as refugees., If most of the world recognise Gaza as an independent state, how can it's entire population be classed as refugees?
As for comparing the false numbers to the number of jews killed in the holocaust, that's a sick statement even for this thread.

Anyway, I'll leave you jew haters to it for a while to stew in your own hatred and bile.
Is filly telling us he thinks that Israel is entitled to carry out its racist genocide? And that its apartheid is not reprehensible?

That whole article is total nonsense.
The article is from US News
U.S. News is headquartered in Washington, D.C.
The company is privately owned by Mortimer B. Zuckerman
Zuckerman .. the son of Esther and Abraham Zuckerman, .... His family is Jewish, and his grandfather was an Orthodox rabbi.
You can dismiss it all you want, but my guess is that Mortimer Zuckerman is far more up-to-date and on the ball than you.

About 7/800 thousand left Israel, mainly for Jordan
and that number has grown to about 2.5 million. All classed as refugees because Palestinians are the only refugees in the world who can pass refugee status down through the generations.
Your 'alternative' figures are a gross underestimate. Where did you get them from?
Nearly 2,000,000 were displaced from Gaza alone during the current violence meted out to Palestinians by Israel, as of January 2024.
Thousands fled during the Nakba, Thousands fled during the 1967 war.
Some have been living in the Jerash refugee camp, run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), since the 1960s.
Displaced from the Gaza Strip during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, Gazans are part of the over 2 million Palestinian refugees in Jordan

Because they're not allowed to return, the rights of their property has been handed down.
Unlike Jews who are allowed to return even though they've never lived there. :rolleyes:

It's also a nonsense to class the 2 million plus population of Gaza as refugees., If most of the world recognise Gaza as an independent state, how can it's entire population be classed as refugees?
They fled Gaza in 1967, and have not been allowed back by Israel.
A further indication that Israel wants to clear all Palestinians from Gaza.
The concern of neighbouring countries is that Israel is trying to drive Palestinians into their territory.

As for comparing the false numbers to the number of jews killed in the holocaust, that's a sick statement even for this thread.
If the numbers of Palestinian refugees are caused by Israel intentionally forcing them out, just like the original Nakba, then the comparison is very appropriate.
You might not like the comparison because you don't like the horrific truth.

Anyway, I'll leave you jew haters to it for a while to stew in your own hatred and bile.
Here we go, no sensible response to the horrific truth, so here come the false allegations yet again. :rolleyes:
Yet again you've demonstrated that you are incapable of intelligent discussion and analysis. So you run away from the truth.
Your 'alternative' figures are a gross underestimate. Where did you get them from?
Nearly 2,000,000 were displaced from Gaza alone during the current violence meted out to Palestinians by Israel, as of January 2024.

So let me get this straight, total population of Gaza 2.2 million, and you reckon 2 million, after 3 months of conflict as a result of Gaza invading Israel, have been displaced from Gaza.

You do post some boleax.
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