Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Which came first Israel, Hamas or Hezbollah, and why?
Here's a little hint:

Hamas - Wikipedia


Hezbollah - Wikipedia


Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations - Office of the Historian

history.state.gov 3.0 shell

And within two years of the founding of Israel they were engaged in state sponsored terrorism.

Israel and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

Another “unbiassed” post.
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I've no problem with criticism of Israel, I've been critical of them/Netanyahu on more than one occasion. But when someone choses to be critical of 1 side and not the other, to an obsessive level, where almost every waking moment is dedicated to the criticism of that 1 side. It does raise some questions.
Clearly every factual presentation is biased in your opinion. :rolleyes:

Of course an intelligent response would be to present evidence that proves my presentation to be untrue or a misrepresentation.

It’s a growing opinion in the GD.

I've no problem with criticism of Israel, I've been critical of them/Netanyahu on more than one occasion. But when someone choses to be critical of 1 side and not the other, to an obsessive level, where almost every waking moment is dedicated to the criticism of that 1 side. It does raise some questions.
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It’s a growing opinion in the GD.
Among those that perceive anything and everything as anti-Semitic.

If I criticise a female or black footballer because of their poor footballing skills, it isn't racist.
It's only racist if I suggest their ethnicity or sex is the cause of their lack of skill.

Israel, and Israelis are being criticised for their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Not all Jews are Israeli and not all Israelis are Jews.
Anti-Semitism is prejudice or discrimination towards Jewish people
Therefore being Jewish has absolutely nothing to do with the criticism of Israel..
It does not include criticism of Israel nor Israelis.

Criticism of UK and /or its government cannot be considered racist. It would be absurd to suggest it is.
But a policy of UK, or Israel, can be described as racist, if it adversely affects a specific ethnicity or nationality.
Among those that perceive anything and everything as anti-Semitic.

If I criticise a female or black footballer because of their poor footballing skills, it isn't racist.
It's only racist if I suggest their ethnicity or sex is the cause of their lack of skill.

Israel, and Israelis are being criticised for their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Not all Jews are Israeli and not all Israelis are Jews.
Anti-Semitism is prejudice or discrimination towards Jewish people
Therefore being Jewish has absolutely nothing to do with the criticism of Israel..
It does not include criticism of Israel nor Israelis.

Criticism of UK and /or its government cannot be considered racist. It would be absurd to suggest it is.
But a policy of UK, or Israel, can be described as racist, if it adversely affects a specific ethnicity or nationality.
More word salad.

No one really criticises the terrorists Hamas, I know they are terrorists because the Uk government and others consider them so.

No, We only hear about the naughty Jews/zionists, etc.
If I criticise a female or black footballer because of their poor footballing skills, it isn't racist.

If I started a thread suggesting black footballers are crap, and added posts daily eventually filling 171 pages with 2500 posts affirming how crap black footballers are, not white one's, they're great. Might it be reasonable to suspect I'm being a teeny bit racist?
If I started a thread suggesting black footballers are crap, and added posts daily eventually filling 171 pages with 2500 posts affirming how crap black footballers are, not white one's, they're great. Might it be reasonable to suspect I'm being a teeny bit racist?
If you mention a white footballer could be crap, would that make it all ok ?
More word salad.

No one really criticises the terrorists Hamas, I know they are terrorists because the Uk government and others consider them so.

No, We only hear about the naughty Jews/zionists, etc.
Israel are also terrorists and have been since 1950/51 with their state sponsored terrorism spread all round the globe.
If I started a thread suggesting black footballers are crap, and added posts daily eventually filling 171 pages with 2500 posts affirming how crap black footballers are, not white one's, they're great. Might it be reasonable to suspect I'm being a teeny bit racist?
That would be because you are claiming their ethnicity determines their footballing ability, so that would be racist.
If, however you claimed that Americans were crap footballers, it couldn't be racist because we know that USA is a mix of ethnicities.

Not all Israelis are Jews and not all Jews are Israelis. :rolleyes:
No one really criticises the terrorists Hamas, I know they are terrorists because the Uk government and others consider them so.
And of course you believe everything that UK government tell you? :rolleyes:
Not all pensioners need the WFA, for example. :giggle:
The last government left a £20Billion black hole, etc. :giggle:
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