Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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I’m not disagreeing, I’m saying it’s all one sided which is basically antisemitism
There is plenty of 'information' coming from the Israeli government and the Israeli press, precious little coming form Gaza because so many journalist have been killed.
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So you agree the Palestine group Hamas are scum too ?
I would describe them as freedom fighters, fighting the apartheid, war crimes, crimes against humanity and oppression of their oppressors.
Yes they have committed terrorist atrocities. But I would argue that they have been provoked for decades into such actions because they have been victims of Israeli state sponsored terrorism.
And the acts they commit are fair and justified then ?
Neither terrorism, nor violence can ever be justified.
Not the ethnicity of the perpetrators nor that of the victims can change that.
But they can be understood. That is how we make sense of history, or even how justice in the world works.

Israel has been committing state sponsored terrorism since 1950/51, about 30 years before Hamas or Hezbollah were formed.
Neither terrorism, nor violence can ever be justified.
Not the ethnicity of the perpetrators nor that of the victims can change that.
But they can be understood. That is how we make sense of history.

But Israel has been committing state sponsored terrorism since 1950/51
Because they have been doing it longer, that negates anything Hamas do ?

The longer this goes on, the more you prove mine and others point. Antisemitism is rife in the GD
Palestinians have faced an existential fight for their survival since the first Israeli invasion in 1948 and the many Israeli invasions since.
They've faced an existential fight for their survival since the first Arab invasion in 1948 and the many Arab invasions since.
Israel went far beyond the UN resolution. They forcibly evicted millions of Palestinians. That was not covered by the UN resolution.
And the UN resolution had no jurisdiction over Palestine. It wasn't theirs to give away.
They forcibly evicted millions of Palestinians.

Rubbish, something like 700/800 thousand left Israel. Some were forced out, hundreds not thousands, the bulk left at the invitation of Jordan and Egypt for safety until the 1948 war was over and they had defeated the Jews.
1,000,000 Arabs stayed in Israel and became Israeli citizens.
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