Zion and the Art of Armageddon

They also show a high degree of women and children. A rather big difference.

Well be that as it may I do not dispute the casualty figures

But they are not all civilians

Thousands of combatants in the over all figures

But best not report that as it does not quite have the impact ??? May be ???
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Well I will go with the current governments and the future governments (?) view on the caper

So imo this genocide as an official Isreali policy
Is nonsense
Doesn't really matter. It would be determined by the ICJ. It would need an international investigation but history comes into it as well and other factors. The investigation may need security council approval but NGO's are likely to look into it anyway. Also tracking what has been going on recently has seen a significant upgrade.

Israel has now annexed 3 square k of the west bank for settlement. Looks like an enlargement of one.
Well be that as it may I do not dispute the casualty figures

But they are not all civilians

Thousands of combatants in the over all figures

But best not report that as it does not quite have the impact ??? May be ???

Do you mean that it is OK to kill civillians and non-combatants?

Children? Ambulancemen?


I never said that and no ? It’s not alright ?

So are you saying that hamas gunmen / terrorists
Are not a legitimate target ??

No interest in your vid or links ( un opened)
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Food for thought about numbers
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, which makes up Hamas' armed wing, has an estimated 30,000–40,000 fighters. The Brigades, which has existed since 1991

Islamic Jehad. Only estimates that say around 1,000 or so. Then some others. All underground movements,
The Gaza Ministry of Health said at least 104 people were killed and more than 750 wounded, with the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemning what it said was a cold-blooded “massacre”. Reporting from the scene, Al Jazeera’s Ismail al-Ghoul said that after opening fire, Israeli tanks advanced and ran over many of the dead and injured bodies. “It is a massacre, on top of the starvation threatening citizens in Gaza,” he said.

“The numbers will rise. Hospitals are no longer able to accommodate the huge number of patients because they lack fuel, let alone medicine. Hospitals have also run out of blood.”

The United States described the killings as a “serious incident”, adding that it was looking into the reports.

Al Jazeera.com

The War Crimes Tribunal will be busy for years after all the dust has settled and the last bodies pulled out of the rubble.
because they lack fuel,
The videos showed that there is some fuel around. Maybe the load the WHO took but no comments about what happened to it other than Israel wouldn't let it or the medical supplies in. Several countries have air dropped stuff. UK used gps guided parachutes , others some stuff dropped into the sea. Not all that much from the UK as just one plane.

Israel have mentioned opening fire on a threatening crowd. They have a checkpoint in the area where it happened. They have released drone footage that they say indicates people being crushed etc. No footage of when the shooting took place.

Smokey mirrors.
What does "some" mean?
I few things moving around that need fuel to do so. Common feature in a number of released clips but some may have filled up at the right time and not gone far. The strip is not a big pace.
Apparently a video reported on the BBC

Shows that a good few of the casualties were run over / crushed by the truck drivers who panicked ????

Due to
Being surrounded by a hostile crowd intent on looting the trucks ???
Shows that a good few of the casualties were run over / crushed by the truck drivers who panicked ????
No it doesn't really. Nether the one on C4 or AlJ. However that doesn't mean none were crushed or trampled.

The drone video could be as long as they liked.
Do you mean that it is OK to kill civillians and non-combatants?

Children? Ambulancemen?

The six year old girl killed together with the two ambulance men, what could Israel gain from such an action, it's a certain case for The Hague as a war crime. Biden demanded an immediate investigation, that investigation is still ongoing but all initial enquiries suggest there were no Israeli troops or tanks in the area at the time. More to come on this story I think.

Israel are losing the war of public opinion, murdering 70 civilians whilst they try to receive aid doesn't make sense. I don't doubt that they killed 10 people advancing on the checkpoint, the rest doesn't make sense, again, more to come out on this I think.

In the midst of todays story Hamas have upped their demands for the ceasefire that they or more importantly Iran doesn't want to happen..

In PR terms, Hamas really are playing a blinder.
Law and order has broken down

Aid trucks are attacked on a regular basis
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