Zion and the Art of Armageddon

On February 27, as Israelis and Palestinian citizens of Israel voted in municipal elections across the country, Palestinian Bedouins from “unrecognised” villages were not allowed to vote. According to a report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) from 2008, most Bedouin landowners give up challenging demolition orders since no Israeli judge had ever ruled to protect an “unrecognised” village.

But they did, in the part of the story you chose not to reproduce.
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It's always good to see filly supporting Israel's racist regime.
As matter of interest ( ?) and to clear any confusion ???

Palistinian casualties are in the region of 30,000
Afaik ?? ???

All civilians ???

So are any Hamas fighters / terrorists not included in that figure ??

is there a seperate casualty list for them ??
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As matter of interest ( ?) and to clear any confusion ???

Palistinian casualties are in the region of 30,000
Afaik ?? ???

All civilians ???

So are any Hamas fighters / terrorists not included in that figure ??

is there a seperate casualty list for them ??
Most of the casualties are women and children - have you looked for Hamas casualty figures?
Most of the casualties are women and children - have you looked for Hamas casualty figures?

Be that as it may ?

So would it be accurate to say that all casualties are included in the list ?? Which includes any hamas fighters ?

Reports suggest that there are only 2 battalions ? Of Hamas fighters left ??
Be that as it may ?

So would it be accurate to say that all casualties are included in the list ?? Which includes any hamas fighters ?

Reports suggest that there are only 2 battalions ? Of Hamas fighters left ??
Last time i heard there were four battalions still fighting - the rest dead or wounded. Some escaped, perhaps. About 75% of casualties are said to be civilian so an estimate of about 20,000 Hamas casualties could be assumed. Nobody really knows. The fighting strength of the brigades fighting in Gaza was guessed at around 35,000 before the war began.
Last time i heard there were four battalions still fighting - the rest dead or wounded.
That is said to be the HAMAS numbers in Rafar. :( A different number was mentioned earlier. 2 if I remember correctly. Purely an Israeli number.

Reality in all of the strip. Tricky as fighting and bombs etc are still being used in a number of places out of Rafar and that is getting a few. Even some in the north but from Israel's point of view that area may well be settled.

Remember it's not just HAMAS that is fighting. There are other groups. eg Islamic Jehad - what sort of things do you think that group get up to?
Israel boasted that it attacked and destroyed a Palestinian police car escorting an aid delivery.

Intentionally, order has broken down and starving refugees are grabbing what they can.

Israel's racist genocide is no accident.
That is said to be the HAMAS numbers in Rafar. :( A different number was mentioned earlier. 2 if I remember correctly. Purely an Israeli number.

Remember it's not just HAMAS that is fighting. There are other groups. eg Islamic Jehad - what sort of things do you think that group get up to?
I don't think the number of Islamic Jihad fighters is of much consequence. Hamas don't get on with 'em. Nobody does, really.
So would it be accurate to say that all casualties are included in the list ??

Not "accurate."

It also includes grandmothers and children where the bodies have been found

But probably not those whose remains are unseen, buried under rubble, especially where entire families have been exterminated and there are no survivors to report the deaths. Nor those where the local government or health authorities compiling lists have been killed or their records destroyed.

This is a natural and deliberate result of Israel's genocide.
I don't think the number of Islamic Jihad fighters is of much consequence. Hamas don't get on with 'em. Nobody does, really.
All sorts got out during the original attack.

Anyway there is a report of IDF opening fire on a lot of people waiting for aid to arrive. 70+dead. Plenty of video but it can't be said that it is totally conclusive. So far no actual footage showing shooting.

Israel comment - hostile crowd, did it to themselves trying to grab aid. Trampled, crushed etc. Earlier report just mentioned shooting. Pass, good way of creating chaos in a crowd.
Anyway there is a report of IDF opening fire on a lot of people waiting for aid to arrive. 70+dead. Plenty of video but it can't be said that it is totally conclusive. So far no actual footage showing shooting.

Israel comment - hostile crowd, did it to themselves trying to grab aid. Trampled, crushed etc. Earlier report just mentioned shooting. Pass, good way of creating chaos in a crowd.

Al Jazz reports 77 killed and up to 250 wounded after being shot at and shelled by Israeli forces while waiting for food aid.

The citizens had congregated at al-Rashid Street, where aid trucks carrying flour were believed to be on the way. Al Jazeera verified footage showing the bodies of dozens of killed and wounded Palestinians being carried onto trucks as no ambulances could reach the area.
The Jews really are the chosen people.
If Netanyahu was any other Middle Eastern tyrant, he would have been hunted down and hanged like a dog.
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