Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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Gideon Levy, a columnist with Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, told Al Jazeera the goal of the Israeli government appears to be to ethnically cleanse the north of Gaza by expelling all Palestinians. “Israel by itself declared that, basically, Hamas as a military force is totally thrashed. So why does it continue? It continues because Israel would like to see the northern part of Gaza empty of all its Palestinian inhabitants,” he added.

Some Israeli officials, however, have pushed for building settlements in Gaza, [although] Netanyahu has suggested a setup similar to the occupied West Bank: Israeli military control over Gaza while the Palestinian Authority or a local non-Hamas entity handles civil affairs. Israel’s real goal remains obscure, but the timing of its siege on the north is interesting, according to Levy. “Under the cover of the war in Lebanon … when the whole world is looking upon Lebanon and [the possible strike by Israel] on Iran… Israel is taking advantage of it and doing those things in Gaza without having any military goals there,” he said.

An Israeli attempt to occupy Gaza militarily or physically would violate international law. Further compounding the violation would be if it takes the same direction it has in the occupied West Bank. There, illegal Israeli settlements are cropping up everywhere, Palestinians are being deprived of access to their land, the Israeli army is raiding and killing with impunity – as are Israeli settlers – among other violations.

More than 750,000 Israeli settlers are living on Palestinian land taken by force.
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Your support for Reform and Farage is well known. If you lie down with dogs don't blame anyone but yourself when you get fleas.
Not one of you - F.boy, mot, mtrbiking or any one of your sockpuppets has put forward a coherent argument against the premise of this thread that illustrates how Zionists have taken Israel towards the far-right and their collaboration with American interests in Congress, who're demonstrably as extreme.
When you can do that, i'd be happy to hear you out, til then...off you go.
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A stark reminder that it didn't all kick off on 7th October. Stealing Palestinian land is particularly heinous.
The israel apologists don't get that though...

And no doubt they'll consider the UK as anti-semitic for sanctioning some organisations who are supporting the settler terrorism in the West Bank/Palestine!

"The UK has announced sanctions in response to continued violence by "extremist Israeli settlers" in the occupied West Bank.

It comes following an unprecedented rise in settler violence in the West Bank over the past year, with the UN recording over 1,400 attacks by settlers against Palestinian communities since October 2023.

UK sanctions are targeting three settler outposts and four organisations that have "supported, incited and promoted violence" against Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy said the "inaction" of the Israeli government "has allowed an environment of impunity to flourish where settler violence has been allowed to increase unchecked".

"Today's measures will help bring accountability to those who have supported and perpetrated such heinous abuses of human rights.

"The Israeli government must crack down on settler violence and stop settler expansion on Palestinian land*. As long as violent extremists remain unaccountable, the UK and the international community will continue to act."

*Actually the expansion needs to be reversed, otherwise the terrorism on both sides will continue ad infinitum!
Please show evidence?

So just more lies, because you’ve been caught out! Poor show old cheech

Edit: A quick search for anything “Farage” related posted by me shows up nothing. Who’d have thought that @Odds
ha ha ha

your previous incarnation showed you supported brexit, Trump, Johnson, Farage

despite constantly denying it

just like you deny supporting Israels actions on Haza
Not one of you - F.boy, mot, mtrbiking or any one of your sockpuppets has put forward a coherent argument against the premise of this thread that illustrates how Zionists have taken Israel towards the far-right and their collaboration with American interests in Congress, who're demonstrably as extreme.
they wont

what they do is falsely use anti semitism as a deflection
they wont

what they do is falsely use anti semitism as a deflection

Any one of 'em could've commented on the ruling by Judge Rohan Pirani regarding anti-semitism but chose not to do so, preferring to maintain their position in stubborn silence. I'll quote it once again but think they'll continue to sulk.

The belief that Israel’s actions amount to apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide are “worthy of respect in a democratic society”, an employment tribunal has concluded in a landmark decision.

In February the tribunal ruled that Prof David Miller was unfairly discriminated against when he was dismissed by the University of Bristol over allegations of making antisemitic remarks, in a decision the Union of Jewish Students said set a dangerous precedent. The tribunal has now published its 120-page judgment setting out why Miller’s beliefs warranted protection under antidiscrimination laws.

Passing the ruling, the employment judge Rohan Pirani said: “Although many would vehemently and cogently disagree with [Miller]’s analysis of politics and history, others have the same or similar beliefs. “We find that he has established that [the criteria] have been met and that his belief amounted to a philosophical belief.” He added that Zionism was “ideologically bound to lead to the practices of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide in pursuit of territorial control and expansion”. But he told the panel that his anti-Zionism did not equate to opposition towards Jews.

The Guardian

When asked for comment @motorbiking said...

It's an important distinction that allows genuine criticism of the actions taken by the State of Israel which not all Israeli citizens agree with: "Not in our name" as war protesters said at the time of Blair's persistence during the second Iraq war.
Any one of 'em could've commented on the ruling by Judge Rohan Pirani regarding anti-semitism but chose not to do so, preferring to maintain their position in stubborn silence. I'll quote it once again but think they'll continue to sulk.

It's an important distinction that allows genuine criticism of the actions taken by the State of Israel which not all Israeli citizens agree with: "Not in our name" as war protesters said at the time of Blair's persistence during the second Iraq war.
If I condemn Israel for its atrocities does that cover it ?

I already have, but for you 420, one more time.
The stated objective of the operation demanding the evacuation of Palestinians residing in Beit Hanoon, Beit Lahiya, Jabalia refugee camp, and Jabalia town is to destroy regrouped Palestinian resistance forces in the north. However, observers have noted that this new assault may be the first stage of what Israeli media has dubbed the “General’s Plan” of ethnically cleansing northern Gaza as a form of collective punishment of Palestinians.

The plan was put forward by retired General Giora Eiland and calls for the expulsion of Palestinians from the area and the forced starvation and targeting of whoever stays behind – to be deemed “legitimate military targets”. At a session of the Knesset Foreign Affairs Defence Committee in September, Eiland reportedly said: “What matters to [Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar is land and dignity, and with this manoeuvre, you take away both land and dignity.”

It is likely Netanyahu hopes the plan could provide him with an opportunity to declare “victory” to save face in front of the Israeli public, given that a year into the war, his government has still not achieved its objectives of “destroying Hamas”. However, it is doubtful Israel will have the military capacity and political space to carry out Eiland’s proposal in full...

Northern Gaza is also close to key Israeli locations, such as the port of Ashkelon, which lies just 10km (6 miles) from Gaza’s border. A significant portion of Israel’s southern population resides in the Ashkelon-Ashdod area. Control over the northern Gaza coast could also ensure greater security for Israel’s south and for its gas drilling infrastructure and possibly help the illegal appropriation of the Gaza Marine gas field.

The “General’s Plan” involves ramping up all of these activities to fully force Palestinians out of northern Gaza. Once the area is cleared of its inhabitants, the Israeli army would declare it a closed military zone, denying access to an estimated 400,000 Palestinians who remain in the north out of a pre-war population of 1.1 million. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has repeatedly called for policies that would force Palestinians into “voluntary emigration” by creating unbearable living conditions.

This is feasible only if Israel achieves a decisive victory, which would require the destruction of the resistance groups. But developments over the past year have demonstrated that this is not a realistic outcome. Until international pressure mounts, the US changes its policy or there is an internal political event that sways Israeli public opinion, the Israeli government will likely continue to pursue the “General’s Plan” without officially acknowledging its intentions. The expulsion of Palestinians from northern Gaza will be presented as a military achievement to the Israeli public, while questions about its sustainability in the long run will likely be left unanswered.

Samer Jaber@Al Jazeera
When I'm not, no - that would be silly.

a bit like thinking someone who was sacked because their abhorrent beliefs, clouded the judgement of the disciplinary proceedings resulting in a valid claim for unfair dismissal somehow is relevant to similar abhorrent beliefs on a forum.

Well, the American Jewish Committee has this to say:

How is anti-zionism anti-semitic?

The belief that the Jews, alone among the people of the world, do not have a right to self-determination — or that the Jewish people’s religious and historical connection to Israel is invalid — is inherently bigoted. When Jews are verbally or physically harassed or Jewish institutions and houses of worship are vandalized in response to actions of the State of Israel, it is antisemitism. When criticisms of Israel use antisemitic ideas about Jewish power or greed, utilize Holocaust denial or inversion (i.e. claims that Israelis are the “new Nazis”), or dabble in age-old xenophobic suspicion of the Jewish religion, otherwise legitimate critiques cross the line into antisemitism. Calling for a Palestinian nation-state, while simultaneously advocating for an end to the Jewish nation-state is hypocritical at best, and potentially antisemitic.

Is all criticism of Israel anti-semitic?

No. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s Working Definition of Antisemitism (“the IHRA Definition”) — employed by governments around the world — explicitly notes that legitimate criticism of Israel is not antisemitism: “Criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.” When anti-Zionists call for the end of the Jewish state, however, that is no longer criticism of policy, but rather antisemitism.
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When anti-Zionists call for the end of the Jewish state, however, that is no longer criticism of policy, but rather antisemitism.
It is not the anti-Zionists opinion that makes it antiSemitic, it is the calling for the end of the Jewish state.
Similar calls for the end of Palestinian state, or the refusal to acknowledge the state, would be racist.
But Israel refuses to acknowledge the state of Palestine.
Between the end of the Six-Day War and the Oslo Accords, no Israeli government proposed a Palestinian state. During Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government of 1996–1999, he accused the two previous governments of Rabin and Peres of bringing closer to realisation what he claimed to be the "danger" of a Palestinian state, and stated that his main policy goal was to ensure that the Palestinian Authority did not evolve beyond an autonomy.
The refusal of Israel to acknowledge Palestine as a state is in defiance of a UN ruling:
It has been a non-member observer state of the United Nations General Assembly since November 2012.[
On 22 November 1974, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 recognised the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, national independence and sovereignty in Palestine.
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