Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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In other news...

The belief that Israel’s actions amount to apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide are “worthy of respect in a democratic society”, an employment tribunal has concluded in a landmark decision.

In February the tribunal ruled that Prof David Miller was unfairly discriminated against when he was dismissed by the University of Bristol over allegations of making antisemitic remarks, in a decision the Union of Jewish Students said set a dangerous precedent. The tribunal has now published its 120-page judgment setting out why Miller’s beliefs warranted protection under antidiscrimination laws.

Passing the ruling, the employment judge Rohan Pirani said: “Although many would vehemently and cogently disagree with [Miller]’s analysis of politics and history, others have the same or similar beliefs. “We find that he has established that [the criteria] have been met and that his belief amounted to a philosophical belief.” He added that Zionism was “ideologically bound to lead to the practices of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide in pursuit of territorial control and expansion”. But he told the panel that his anti-Zionism did not equate to opposition towards Jews.

The Guardian

When asked for comment @motorbiking said...
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The judge continued: “[Prof Miller]’s opposition to Zionism is not opposition to the idea of Jewish self-determination or of a preponderantly Jewish state existing in the world, but rather, as he defines it, to the exclusive realisation of Jewish rights to self-determination within a land that is home to a very substantial non-Jewish population.
What about those on here that hate, and continue to hate, those that voted for Brexit or those that voted for the conservatives?

If you truly are 'new' here, just quickly carry out a search using the search button on "Tory scum" and then come back and tell us what you think of those repeatedly making those statements.

@noseall, could you do the same…..
Hating someone because they voted for Brexit is not hating another for no reason. The clue was in your first sentence.
It wouldn't matter how many times someone has stated that they hate Tory scum, it is still not hating for no reason.
Hating someone for their political persuasion is not proscribed by the equalities act.
Being a troy is not a religious choice, and being a Tory is not a race, nor is it a sex or gender.
You could argue that being a Tory is a disability, but you would not get far with that line.

I think you need to reconsider your argument.
(Previous abuse was removed)
There’s a lot of posts being removed lately. Not even sweary ones, just ones questioning others posts. Strange. Meanwhile, 'new' members are popping up regularly. Heading straight for the GD too. Almost being welcomed. Even stranger.
There’s a lot of posts being removed lately. Not even sweary ones, just ones questioning others posts. Strange. Meanwhile, 'new' members are popping up regularly. Almost being welcomed. Refugees from other forums?
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