Zion and the Art of Armageddon

The Israeli port of Ashdod is just up the road.
Is Ashdod in Gaza? :rolleyes:

And a large amount of the available oil/gas fields are in Gazan waters...

Outside Israeli control at the moment, unless of course they annex Gaza bit by bit...

You really aren't that bright are you!
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No, maybe half that figure.

Interesting article on Journalism for you John, source might be biased but undoubtedly contains a few facts.

I'm well aware of what is in it. Lets take the missile and the hospital. Some media - our own, went to some lengths and concluded that it must have come from Israel.

Hamas Tower had the associated press offices in it. HAMAS thought to be in part of it. Transmissions were mentioned

Maybe the US should not have asked Israel not to over react to some issue or the other in the past. Israel attacked Gaza in the same fashion as the other similar wars I mentioned. It's done that way to avoid the number of body bags they would have if they tried pure street fighting. Actually in Iraq the US stated that no way were they going to get involved in that. So bombs get used which is bound to result in civilian deaths. Then comes tanks and troops, also in this case yet more bombs and those are still being used. Night time bombs - nice, some person might be in the building so bump of the entire family. Sort of "cleaner" rather than arresting them which is what goes on in the West Bank and elsewhere.

If you want something to doubt consider info coming out of The Strip. Plenty of video which can be viewed and considered based on the various reports. The video might be on something other than the one that causes the comment to be made. What can you see in them? Propaganda always figures in wars. Then external people do visit from time to time - what do they report? Eg A UN doctor went into the north and came back very recently along with video and photo's. He was mostly looking into the birth situation.

TBH Honest I am begining to think that Rafar might be evacuated and attacked - eventually. Might be the aim as far as certain players are concerned. Or maybe that is what Israel will do.
Is Ashdod in Gaza? :rolleyes:

And a large amount of the available oil/gas fields are in Gazan waters...

Outside Israeli control at the moment, unless of course they annex Gaza bit by bit...

You really aren't that bright are you!

Clearly brighter than you. Ashdod also has the benefit of gas infrastructure already in place serving the Israeli gas fields, hundreds of miles of pipeline straight into Ashdod and the storage facilities, from Ashdod they will build a pipeline across Israel to Jordan who are likely to be the first importer of gas from Israel, there is more gas there than Israel needs.

Interesting thing about gas fields is they don't adhere to international borders. Although Israel has drilled inside Israeli territorial waters, the fields spread beyond that and for that reason I believe royalties are paid, possibly to Cyprus & Lebanon?

Gazan oil fields?, not sure which International companies would want to sit down and sign a deal with this lot:

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Imagine if everyone, as in everyone, just stopped ... took a breath ... took another breath, and then concluded 'heck, it's easier to smile than frown, I'm just going to live peacefully and do my utmost to get along with everyone.'
One interesting aspect is people in the north of the strip. Not so many of them, seems to be ~700,000 if 1.3m in Rafar..
So they need about 200 trucks. There isn't much info on the weight dropped by air.
UN are probably under pressure to appease the Israelis.
There is nothing new evidentially, just 'eye witness' testimony.

The UN have never tried to appease Israel nor will they, the opposite has always applied. Re the rapes and sexual assaults and torture, there is a hell of a lot more evidence than just eye witness testimony, that's why the UN have finally, belatedly accepted that it did occur.

There are videos online retrieved from Hamas Terrorists after Oct 7th, I posted a few but they were deleted.
The UN have never tried to appease Israel nor will they, the opposite has always applied. Re the rapes and sexual assaults and torture, there is a hell of a lot more evidence than just eye witness testimony, that's why the UN have finally, belatedly accepted that it did occur.

There are videos online retrieved from Hamas Terrorists after Oct 7th, I posted a few but they were deleted.
From the UN report.

"Credible circumstantial information, which may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence, including genital mutilation, sexualized torture, or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, was also gathered," read the 24-page U.N. report.

Still a bit vague, what about some forensic evidence or actual women who claim to have been sexually assaulted.

Having said that, there have probably been incidences of Hamas terrorists abusing women.
These things happen in wartime, the culprits are probably dead by now.
From the UN report.

"Credible circumstantial information, which may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence, including genital mutilation, sexualized torture, or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, was also gathered," read the 24-page U.N. report.

Still a bit vague, what about some forensic evidence or actual women who claim to have been sexually assaulted.

Pramila Patten added in a press release issued along with the report that there are also reasonable grounds to believe that such violence, which includes other “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment”, may be continuing against those still being held by Hamas and other extremists in the Gaza Strip.

The report from her Office arose from an official visit to Israel at the invitation of the Government which included a visit to the occupied West Bank, between 29 January and 14 February.

In the context of the coordinated attack by Hamas and others of 7 October, the UN mission team found that there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred in multiple locations, including rape and gang rape in at least three locations in southern Israel.

The team also found a pattern of victims - mostly women - found fully or partially naked, bound and shot across multiple locations which “may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence”.

In some locations the mission said it could not verify reported incidents of rape.

what about some forensic evidence or actual women who claim to have been sexually assaulted.

I suspect that if an Israeli girl stood before you naked and showed you the knife wounds around her fanny you'd simply claim she cut herself shaving, or she had it coming, and how nice those chaps from Hamas are.

End of discussion for me, you're as unstable as ellal who thinks Israel is building a motorway route through Gaza straight to their gas field.
I suspect that if an Israeli girl stood before you naked and showed you the knife wounds around her fanny you'd simply claim she cut herself shaving
Has any Israeli girl come forward and claimed the above.
I don't doubt that Hamas terrorists may have carried out sexual assaults, however the Israeli government seems to be trying to spin these assaults as systematic and part of the overall plan to attack Israel.
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