Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Claims of sexual violence, you say?

"A confidential UN report has accused Israel of widespread abuse of Gazans it has detained during the war with Hamas, according to a copy seen by the Financial Times.

The report by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, said that Palestinians released from Israeli detention reported being subjected to abuses ranging from physical assaults and dog attacks to sleep deprivation and sexual violence.

“The beatings included blunt force trauma to the head, shoulders, kidneys, neck, back and legs with metal bars and the butts of guns and boots, in some cases resulting in broken ribs, separated shoulders and lasting injuries,” said the 11-page report.

“Multiple individuals released from detention reported deaths of detainees in the military barracks, including injured and sick detainees who were denied medication and medical treatment.”

Detainees also recounted being stripped down to their underwear or, in some cases, until they were completely naked, and some said that they had been held in the cold without access to toilets, water or food for more than 24 hours.

“According to individuals released from detention, ill-treatment was used in attempts to extract information or confessions, to intimidate and humiliate, and to punish,” said the UNRWA document, which was first reported by the New York Times."
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I wonder what is is that makes the Israeli army want to kill people carrying white flags?

"(Jerusalem) - The Israeli military police decision to interview Palestinian witnesses to a case where an Israeli soldier allegedly shot three young girls and their grandmother holding white flags during the fighting in Gaza marks a positive development, Human Rights Watch said today. Two of the girls died."

Probably nothing.

As a racist regime engaged in genocide, they just automatically kill people they suspect of being Palestinian.
Claims of sexual violence, you say?

"A confidential UN report has accused Israel of widespread abuse of Gazans it has detained during the war with Hamas, according to a copy seen by the Financial Times.

The report by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, said that Palestinians released from Israeli detention reported being subjected to abuses ranging from physical assaults and dog attacks to sleep deprivation and sexual violence.

“The beatings included blunt force trauma to the head, shoulders, kidneys, neck, back and legs with metal bars and the butts of guns and boots, in some cases resulting in broken ribs, separated shoulders and lasting injuries,” said the 11-page report.

“Multiple individuals released from detention reported deaths of detainees in the military barracks, including injured and sick detainees who were denied medication and medical treatment.”

Detainees also recounted being stripped down to their underwear or, in some cases, until they were completely naked, and some said that they had been held in the cold without access to toilets, water or food for more than 24 hours.

“According to individuals released from detention, ill-treatment was used in attempts to extract information or confessions, to intimidate and humiliate, and to punish,” said the UNRWA document, which was first reported by the New York Times."
As expected.
Hamas did it to the Israelis. US did it in Iraq, and similar is documented in many wars, it's revoltingly normal.
It's always inexcusable, but Israel's behaviour is now off the scale.
One interesting aspect is people in the north of the strip. Not so many of them, seems to be ~700,000 if 1.3m in Rafar..
So they need about 200 trucks. There isn't much info on the weight dropped by air.
What happens when you drop 1,000 bags of flour from 1,000 feet?

It's not easy to pick grains of sand out of flour.

Al Jazz showed images of Palestinians rummaging through the wreckage of an air drop after the bags burst open, scattering tins and packets across the beach. It's all very well for Biden to stand up and proudly announce the US is sending aid but those bloody air drops have killed five people and wasted tons of desperately needed food.
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air drops have killed five people and wasted tons of desperately needed food.
AlJ broadcast a video of the drop. To my eyes one lot dropped like a stone. Parachute partly open on a few. Very jumbled up mobile footage as the taker was running for some of it. Main problem is said to be quantities.

Trucks - a person at the receiving end mentioned waiting for 20 days.

Ex security head mentioning HAMAS's trap??????
The IDF say 29 aid trucks were allowed in to Gaza this weekend and food was redistributed by them in the north but the question of air drops and building harbours wouldn't be an issue if they simply allowed more trucks in. Simples.
The gunship video is interesting. If totally correct it indicates that a number of hostages were probably killed and civilians. Seems what's ap was used for communication to get an idea where the "action" was.

The IDF body cam footage. Indicates that an unarmed man in his 70's was shot.

Video's on the 7th. Some one with at least part of a uniform are assumed to be HAMAS. Others ? ISIS types are known to be around and eventually Islamic Jehad got a mention. Took a while even though there are a number of them.

A report of an attempt to release some hostage. Tank turned up and took down a building wall and killed them. Hard to know if it's true. May be the 2 that were mentioned early on.

No reports of abuse that I am aware of from hostages that have been released. Main question really is just how many are left and what state they are in. Everybody needs food.
I saw the video taken from Israeli gunships and the interview with a pilot who confirmed there was confusion in the air during those events. To be expected, i suppose, but if they were British pilots firing on civilian targets fleeing a war zone, they'd expect to face serious scrutiny of their actions. Israel just denies everything and tells the west to look at squirrels.
AlJ videos. Taking the lot and mostly relating to shortages and destruction I'd say the general description that comes over is correct with an emphasis that it's happening and will get a lot worse and is worsening. Much the same as the UN and NGO's are saying. Food supply levels vary along Gaza.

Destruction is a bit more difficult. Take Ukraine. We may see devastation in some city /town and later see the same place some where else that remains unscathed. Then comes the question of why certain civic building are hit hard. Also night time hits that are rather different to what the Russian have done.

Then the West Bank and what has been going on there.

AZA, March 11 (Reuters) - A Hamas-linked website on Monday warned Palestinian individuals or groups against co-operating with Israel to provide security for aid convoys amid the five-month-old war in the Gaza Strip.
Those who did would be treated as collaborators and be handled with an iron fist, the Hamas Al-Majd security website said, quoting a security official in Palestinian militant forces.
The warning came in response to Israeli media reports that Israel was considering arming some Palestinian individuals or clans in Gaza to provide security protection for aid convoys into the besieged enclave as part of wider planning for humanitarian supplies after the fighting ends.

The Israeli Prime Minister's office has declined to comment on the report, which came a week after dozens of Palestinians were killed in an incident in which crowds surrounded a convoy of aid trucks entering northern Gaza and troops opened fire.
"The occupation's attempt to communicate with the leaders and clans of some families to operate within the Gaza Strip is considered direct collaboration with the occupation and is a betrayal of the nation that we will not tolerate," the website said, quoting the official.
25 million people affected by the war in Sudan don’t know where their next meal is coming from, according to the World Food Programme. The UN had demanded a ceasefire during Ramadan.

Al Jazeera.com

Has barely made a ripple in the British media but ten times more people affected by war in Sudan than in Gaza.

Just sayin'.
25 million people affected by the war in Sudan don’t know where their next meal is coming from, according to the World Food Programme. The UN had demanded a ceasefire during Ramadan.

Al Jazeera.com

Has barely made a ripple in the British media but ten times more people affected by war in Sudan than in Gaza.

Just sayin'.

And Syria and Rohingya.

The anti Jewish PR machine is rather efficient.

AZA, March 11 (Reuters) - A Hamas-linked website on Monday warned Palestinian individuals or groups against co-operating with Israel to provide security for aid convoys amid the five-month-old war in the Gaza Strip.
Those who did would be treated as collaborators and be handled with an iron fist, the Hamas Al-Majd security website said, quoting a security official in Palestinian militant forces.
The warning came in response to Israeli media reports that Israel was considering arming some Palestinian individuals or clans in Gaza to provide security protection for aid convoys into the besieged enclave as part of wider planning for humanitarian supplies after the fighting ends.

The Israeli Prime Minister's office has declined to comment on the report, which came a week after dozens of Palestinians were killed in an incident in which crowds surrounded a convoy of aid trucks entering northern Gaza and troops opened fire.
"The occupation's attempt to communicate with the leaders and clans of some families to operate within the Gaza Strip is considered direct collaboration with the occupation and is a betrayal of the nation that we will not tolerate," the website said, quoting the official.
Hard to find the website for any more, so i'll assume it's proscribed but there's this...


...It's not up to Hamas anymore as they'll be shot on sight. This is still the IDFs responsibility to care for civilians under the rules of war which they became subject to the moment they stepped into Gaza.
And Syria and Rohingya.

The anti Jewish PR machine is rather efficient.
But the pro-Israel propaganda machine is far better funded and professionally organised.

And does actually exist.

There is very little anti-Jewish PR, but a great deal of opposition to Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.

The old trick of claiming that anybody opposed to racism, apartheid and genocide is therefore anti-Semitic is still being used, but is not convincing as many people as it used to.

Applications that match users based on their location have apparently been bamboozled by IDF jamming location signals, leading to unusual cross-border suggestions

Israeli and Lebanese users of dating apps have found themselves caught in an electronic fog of war as the applications suggest hookups between people living in enemy states on two sides of a border that has become an active war zone.
The curious phenomenon has been blamed on the Israel Defense Forces blocking some global positioning system (GPS) signals amid the ongoing war with the Palestinian terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip and deadly clashes with Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Since the early days of the war, motorists using navigation apps like Waze and Google Maps would often see their locations show up completely wrong. Users in Tel Aviv would be marked in Cairo, while people in Haifa would show up as in Beirut.

The jamming also seems to have befuddled dating apps.
An Israeli man recently released from reserve duty in the IDF posted on Facebook that a dating app he uses had given him odd matches in Lebanon, the National, a United Arab Emirates English-language outlet, reported last week.
The man noted he has never been to Lebanon but in October, Lebanese profiles started showing up on his matches. The report did not specify which dating app the man was using. However, Israel’s Channel 12 said Tinder and Bumble were affected.
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