Zion and the Art of Armageddon

So let me get this straight, total population of Gaza 2.2 million, and you reckon 2 million, after 3 months of conflict as a result of Gaza invading Israel, have been displaced from Gaza.

You do post some boleax.

22 March
Almost two million people - most of the population - are reported to have fled their homes and those who remain in northern Gaza are on the brink of famine, according to the United Nations.

When will you start supporting your filly facts and opinion with genuine research?

Many refugees have fled Gaza and West Bank during previous conflicts. It's not just this conflict that Israel has forced Palestinians to flee Gaza and West Bank.
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Oh, so there still in Gaza, bit of a U turn there Himmy.
When will you start supporting your filly facts and opinion with genuine research?
Many refugees have fled Gaza and West Bank during previous conflicts. It's not just this conflict that Israel has forced Palestinians to flee Gaza and West Bank.
In addition the dispossessing of Palestinian homes and lands in West Bank have been going on for decades.
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