Undeleted thread

I think that if i had tried and failed to get my message across enough times then it would be time to use intelligence.

Try being a bit more subtle, i.e. covert.

Deletion of threads, me? Dunner be daft, that would indicate that i actually put some value on them. Nah, take it all with a pinch o' salt. I don't mind a bit of stick me.

I just find the repetitive stuff very tiring. I also find one sided arguments disturbing especially the 'mob rules' ones that sometimes crop up from time to time. You know, those ones where you have to use lots of quoting and different smiley characters just to nail it home. I think they call it a bandwagon...?

Well do what I do: ignore the threads which do not interest you - like football and racing cars.
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You aren't allows to knock Islam. You are all submissive atheists and you don't stand up for anything. It's your own fault. They are an organised army on the march and you are a rabble. Guess who my money's on?
So as an atheist I have no morals and don't stand up for what is right or wrong?Do I need a a god or a book for that?What utter nonsense :rolleyes:
You aren't allows to knock Islam. You are all submissive atheists and you don't stand up for anything. It's your own fault. They are an organised army on the march and you are a rabble. Guess who my money's on?
So as an atheist I have no morals and don't stand up for what is right or wrong?Do I need a a god or a book for that?What utter nonsense :rolleyes:

Indeed. That's why atheists are better than god-botherers: we don't need someone to tell us how to behave ourselves. :D
Everyone needs a moral compass re-set from time to time.

We are taught, nurtured and encouraged to behave from the moment we are born. We then go on to follow other peoples' example throughout adulthood, whether that be parents, friends or colleagues.

Some written scriptures are there to encourage a certain behavior that is both moral and just.

However, it is easy for anyone to take anything out of context and interpret things as they wish. Like the teachings of the Quran for example. Fanatical Muslims are interpreting the word 'Jihad' for the sake of violence.

If the Earth was to re-start next week with zero religion there would still be wars.

Anyone who thinks people fight with each other because of religion is misguided. Wars are fought over territory. Religious leanings are there to give names to each side and to mark the territorial boundaries, especially relevant in the Middle East.

Oddly enough, one of Christianitys most spouted phrases is 'love thy neighbour'.
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You aren't allows to knock Islam. You are all submissive atheists and you don't stand up for anything. It's your own fault. They are an organised army on the march and you are a rabble. Guess who my money's on?
So as an atheist I have no morals and don't stand up for what is right or wrong?Do I need a a god or a book for that?What utter nonsense :rolleyes:

Indeed. That's why atheists are better than god-botherers: we don't need someone to tell us how to behave ourselves. :D

This isn't true. You were taught Christian values by your parents and grandparents, schools and neighbours. You are just too blind to see it. You're a Christian, man, FFS recognise that if you want to fight the dark shadow of Islam that is sweeping across this country.
You aren't allows to knock Islam. You are all submissive atheists and you don't stand up for anything. It's your own fault. They are an organised army on the march and you are a rabble. Guess who my money's on?
So as an atheist I have no morals and don't stand up for what is right or wrong?Do I need a a god or a book for that?What utter nonsense :rolleyes:

Indeed. That's why atheists are better than god-botherers: we don't need someone to tell us how to behave ourselves. :D

This isn't true. You were taught Christian values by your parents and grandparents, schools and neighbours. You are just too blind to see it. You're a Christian, man, FFS recognise that if you want to fight the dark shadow of Islam that is sweeping across this country.

Sorry to pick holes in your argument but, although my mother was nominally a Christian, my father was definitely an atheist and I never really knew my grandparents. Yes, my mother made me go to Sunday School and I was even in the church choir, although I found the one extremely boring and the other only a social event. I can honestly say that I never really believed in God.

I was taught atheist values by my father and, consequently, have turned out a better person than many Christian people I have known.
Which of the ten commandments that you were taught don't you agree with?
Which of the ten commandments that you were taught don't you agree with?

I don't remember being taught them and have certainly never had cause to refer to them. I have one of those things that most people don't seem to know about these days: common sense.
I was taught atheist values by my father and, consequently, have turned out a better person than many Christian people I have known.
What exactly are atheist values and how do they differ from say Christian values?
Which of the ten commandments that you were taught don't you agree with?

I don't remember being taught them and have certainly never had cause to refer to them. I have one of those things that most people don't seem to know about these days: common sense.

You don't remember being taught them - but you were. You were raised in a Christian country with Christian values. YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN.
and, consequently, have turned out a better person than many Christian people I have known.

Again self praise is no praise.

And judge not least ye be judged. You need God in your life so that you may learn humility.

You follow a path that is littered with the bodies of millions of people killed in the name off atheism. Must make you proud eh?
I was taught atheist values by my father and, consequently, have turned out a better person than many Christian people I have known.
What exactly are atheist values and how do they differ from say Christian values?

Probably exactly the same as Christian values, except for all that religious twaddle.
Everyone needs a moral compass re-set from time to time.

We are taught, nurtured and encouraged to behave from the moment we are born. We then go on to follow other peoples' example throughout adulthood, whether that be parents, friends or colleagues.

Some written scriptures are there to encourage a certain behavior that is both moral and just.

However, it is easy for anyone to take anything out of context and interpret things as they wish. Like the teachings of the Quran for example. Fanatical Muslims are interpreting the word 'Jihad' for the sake of violence.

If the Earth was to re-start next week with zero religion there would still be wars.

Anyone who thinks people fight with each other because of religion is misguided. Wars are fought over territory. Religious leanings are there to give names to each side and to mark the territorial boundaries, especially relevant in the Middle East.

Oddly enough, one of Christianitys most spouted phrases is 'love thy neighbour'.

We don't get our morals from religion. You only need to look at the Old Testament to see how evil it is.
The bible is all about jealousy, retribution, and that's just how god acts.. it's constantly mentioning stoning, burning and using swords..

No, our morals seems to evolve over time and moreso with better communications, but based on many things like a charismatic or strong leader.

Take slavery, or more recently racism towards blacks (negros). The world has changed unbelieveably over the last 50 years, with the help of people like M L King etc. Or womens' rights, with the help of the suffragettes...
And interestingly gay marriage etc

In all cases, not a religious leader in sight, nor a scripture which has help us accept gay marriage - au contraire !!
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