Even if you ignore covid, there is a downward trend. Something is helping, lots of factors at play, but maybe lowering speed limits in areas where accidents are more likely, and more likely to be fatal, has helped.
I am not suggesting all speed limits everywhere are lowered, but there are plenty of dangerous roads where people still get killed even with a 30mph speed limit.
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Those red lines (certainly on the "fatalities" graph, at least), look like you might actually have averaged the totals over the decade? If so, you are still counting the lockdown period figures, you're just "smoothing" the curve. Also, as Motorbiking says, you need to be careful about counting anything other than fatalities, as the goalposts for "serious" and "slight" move periodically, so direct comparisons are very difficult to make accurately. I therefore think your 7% figure should be closer to about 5% (perhaps unsurprisingly, given that it's also about the percentage of road deaths that have exceeding the speed limit as the primary cause).
Of course, working in the car industry, I would be quick to claim that same 5% for advances in vehicle safety, and I daresay a medic might justifiably claim the improvement as being a result of medical advances, while a highways engineer, might want to claim they were down to improvements in road layout. All I can say with certainty, is that compared to the years before automated enforcement (primarily of speed limits) replaced what I would call "proper" road policing, it is a very poor reduction indeed. My guess, is that if all the speed cameras were turned off tomorrow, that trend would continue, practically unchanged. In fact come to think of it, some years ago, most speed cameras
were turned off for a while, when the government decided to stop the so-called "safety camera partnerships" keeping all the revenue they generated. Maybe around 2007? Around about then, most safety camera partnerships lost a lot of their "enthusiasm" for road safety, as their gravy train hit the buffers, yet mysteriously, the fatality reductions continued...
Anyway, if you're not in favour of reducing speed limits everywhere, where ARE you in favour of reducing them?
Also, I don't believe in the concept of a "dangerous road". They're like kitchen knives, really. It's the drivers who make them dangerous.