Me too! Can't help but wonder if CCTV is just for spying on the population and protecting business property(there'll be plenty of money for police "analysts" post London riots I bet).
Doubt it's ever been for anti-terror activity, hence the few photoshopped/time frame chopped/pasted/redacted STILL images we get bludgeoned with by the mainstream media (4th arm of the govt...) when false flag ops like 9/11 and 7/7 happen.
(CCTV is essentially the private invasion of public spaces in many instances. Yet how often do you see police notices in cities/local rags asking for witnesses to rape/assault/murder in areas that are supposedly safe due to CCTV coverage?)
Can't see owt wrong with it. The more the merrier i say.

sounds like you're responding to the reports of a fight rather than a debate about conspiracies !!! ;)
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Me too! Can't help but wonder if CCTV is just for spying on the population and protecting business property(there'll be plenty of money for police "analysts" post London riots I bet).
Doubt it's ever been for anti-terror activity, hence the few photoshopped/time frame chopped/pasted/redacted STILL images we get bludgeoned with by the mainstream media (4th arm of the govt...) when false flag ops like 9/11 and 7/7 happen.
(CCTV is essentially the private invasion of public spaces in many instances. Yet how often do you see police notices in cities/local rags asking for witnesses to rape/assault/murder in areas that are supposedly safe due to CCTV coverage?)
Can't see owt wrong with it. The more the merrier i say.

sounds like you're responding to the reports of a fight rather than a debate about conspiracies !!! ;)
Me too! Can't help but wonder if CCTV is just for spying on the population and protecting business property(there'll be plenty of money for police "analysts" post London riots I bet).
Doubt it's ever been for anti-terror activity, hence the few photoshopped/time frame chopped/pasted/redacted STILL images we get bludgeoned with by the mainstream media (4th arm of the govt...) when false flag ops like 9/11 and 7/7 happen.
(CCTV is essentially the private invasion of public spaces in many instances. Yet how often do you see police notices in cities/local rags asking for witnesses to rape/assault/murder in areas that are supposedly safe due to CCTV coverage?)
Can't see owt wrong with it. The more the merrier i say.

sounds like you're responding to the reports of a fight rather than a debate about conspiracies !!! ;)

deleted one post, then question marks for the other.... whats your point?
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deleted one post, then question marks for the other.... whats your point?
Looking for another conspiracy?

Simple explanation. cock up in repply, hence deleted and the question marks are in response to your previous comment about a fight.
deleted one post, then question marks for the other.... whats your point?
Looking for another conspiracy?

Simple explanation. cock up in repply, hence deleted and the question marks are in response to your previous comment about a fight.

Ahhh ok, so you can't see owt wrong with CCTV? the more cameras the merrier? well in that case i agree fully.... ! if you've got nowt to hide, you've got nowt to hide lol !! i'm in total agreement!!!
As Martian says, the only people who fear CCTV are those who have something to hide. ..Why do you think most of the recent rioters wore face masks/balaclavas/scarves, to cover their faces??

Also CCTV is there to film the general public, ,,,,,,not the airspace above them. ;) ;) ;)
When the cctv evidence was presented to the commission on the pentagon attack.
a crucial frame was left out ,this is known as frame 20 and is the one with whatever hit it in.
Why would this frame be removed what don`t they want us to see And why has the evidence from another 80 camera`s not been released . Strange
And of course someone who has the most basic of flying training could approx the pentagon in a jet airliner at ten feet off the ground and not even damage a blade of grass

Sooey if you check up on recent polls you will find the majority in USA and UK do dont believe the official story.

There was at least 200 people who jumped from the trade centres a lot of them on camera and filmed but yet the US government in the days afterwards said no one jumped.......They expect us to believe what we are told.

2 black boxes that are designed to withstand crashes disappear without trace ,completely destroyed we are told yet passports from the hijackers miraculously survive and turn up on the streets

.Who was selling short options in the airlines days before the attack up 40 fold on any previous trading ever done before and make tens of millions.

Why was the steel girders recovered from the sight sold as scrap straight away was this to stop specialist independent tests being done on them.

The plane that crashed at shanksville is meant to have completely vaporized no luggage no bodies nothing for the first time ever in aviation history yet a hand written not from a hijacker is found , Also the plane must have been in a timewarp for mobile phone calls to have been made before the crash as at that time it was not possible.

Far too many inconsistencies
Coincidence that the trade centres where insured a month before for 3.5 billion each for terrorist attacks? ?

You only believe the official story because you dont know the official story
I like the way you provide zero evidence to back up any of your claims.
Remember, extraodinary claims, require extraodinary evidence. All of your claims require extraodinary evidence, as they are so far off what is known by everyone else.

You say frame 20 was removed? Prove it. And no, conspiracy sites won't cut it. Prove it was intentionally removed. With things like evidence and not emotion.

You say the US Governenment denied people jumped? Prove it. Even the 9/11 Commission states people jumped. Maybe they said people fell? Does this show that the Government was involved? No.

Black box destroyed? So what. The planes went through buildings. The black box is device with intricate parts. There is a limit to what it will survive (they don't always survive!). If they remained within the building prior to collapse (likely as they are generally are located in the tail end of the plane), then they would have been subjected to the same fall and impact from falling steelwork like other material in the upper parts of the building. You may recall that most material was smashed to small pieces.

That they found a hijackers passport is unsurprising, as a passport would be undamaged from falling such a height. As they were likely at the front of the plane, the likelyhood is that it got flung out (with other items) with the initial impact. There are pictures of paper and debris scattered on the ground prior to the collapse. Also, it wasn't the only passport recovered.

Insurance: Silversein wanted to insure the complex for less than $2bn, but the insurance company wanted to insurnce them for $5bn. The final figure was a comprimise ($3.55bm for 1,2,4,and 5wtc). And they were insured for terrorism, as the 1993 bombing showed such things were worthwhile:
"Even after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 and the
Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, insurers in the United States did not view either
international or domestic terrorism as a risk that should be explicitly considered
when pricing their commercial insurance policy, principally because losses from
terrorism had historically been small and, to a large degree, uncorrelated. Thus,
prior to September 11, 2001, terrorism coverage in the United States was an
unnamed peril covered in most standard all-risk commercial and homeowners’
policies covering damage to property and contents"
Oh, and the estimated cost of rebuilding greatly exceeds the insurance payout:
"The proceeds of the insurance policies arising from the destruction of the previous buildings were insufficient to cover the cost of rebuilding all the insured buildings." (From wiki above)

Coming out with wild claims might make you feel good, but they show huge disrespect to the those involved in that day. Perhaps you should consider that the truth is far more mundane and yet shocking than you may believe: that a bunch of terrorists killed thousands, and the US Government missed the signs of it coming.
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