Honestly, you brits will believe anything. There never was a world trade centre in the first place, it was all just cunning yankee camerawork which you fell for. Thunderbirds was a warm up practice for this conspiratorial illusion.
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Yeah, all into powder and molten metal raging for weeks underground, terribly hot that kinetic energy from air friction, yet reams of paper blowing about, not a chair,desk,cabinet to be seen, pulverised....?
A plane that is brought down by good old american heroes that ends up a tiny skid mark, no seats/luggage or any significant trace of an actual plane, must be that air friction again, maybe the passengers ate the plane to stop the mad mullah box cutters?
A plane that leaves no impact mark from the tail wing or huge titanium engines and has "vapourised" into a tiny hole.

Ye cannae change the laws o physics! As Scottie used to say...but obviously he was wrong then?....
Yeah, all into powder and molten metal raging for weeks underground, terribly hot that kinetic energy from air friction, yet reams of paper blowing about, not a chair,desk,cabinet to be seen, pulverised....?
A plane that is brought down by good old american heroes that ends up a tiny skid mark, no seats/luggage or any significant trace of an actual plane, must be that air friction again, maybe the passengers ate the plane to stop the mad mullah box cutters?
A plane that leaves no impact mark from the tail wing or huge titanium engines and has "vapourised" into a tiny hole.

Ye cannae change the laws o physics! As Scottie used to say...but obviously he was wrong then?....

and interestingly, what do you use as your benchmark to challenge such an extreme tragedy? :eek:
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He might have said that, but he used to fly around the universe at warp factor ****off.
The bit I like is where they claim the pentagon was hit by a missile and not a plane. Fair enough but they never explain what happened to the plane and its passengers, did they just vanish?

The Pentagon was swarming with over 80 CCTV camera's. Yet not ONE single camera picks up a plane hitting the pentagon.

There is NO damage done to the building where the planes wings would have hit.

There is no damage to the building where the planes tail would have hit.

There is no way a large airliner hit the pentagon. Anyone who believes it did is incredibly naive to say the least.

Ok, ok, I give in, it was definitely hit by a missile.

Please explain what happened to flight AA77, the plane that did not crash into the pentagon?

And what happened to the passengers and crew that were on flight AA77, the plane that did not crash into the pentagon?
Most security cameras cover entrances and possibly internal corridors etc. The footage that was released of the plane hitting the Pentagon was taken with a security camera that takes one frame every few seconds, not one that takes 30 or 40 frames per second. The highest security areas at the Pentagon are going to be in internal areas/offices etc, not the outside as most people would imagine. There are eye witness testimonies of people who saw the aircraft as it approached the Pentagon at low level. Conspiracy theorists conveniently either dismiss or ignore these testimonies.

PS as an example, Derby City council have more security cameras inside the council house, than they do outside. (and that's just a local council 's main office.)

lol you really expect us to think the pentagon used some cheap medieval camera which takes 1 shot every few seconds?! Come on get real. The place was swarming with high quality camera's. This is the heart of the US military, the place was high security. Camera's all over covering all areas yet not one single camera picks up a plane coming in?!
The bit I like is where they claim the pentagon was hit by a missile and not a plane. Fair enough but they never explain what happened to the plane and its passengers, did they just vanish?

The Pentagon was swarming with over 80 CCTV camera's. Yet not ONE single camera picks up a plane hitting the pentagon.

There is NO damage done to the building where the planes wings would have hit.

There is no damage to the building where the planes tail would have hit.

There is no way a large airliner hit the pentagon. Anyone who believes it did is incredibly naive to say the least.

Ok, ok, I give in, it was definitely hit by a missile.

Please explain what happened to flight AA77, the plane that did not crash into the pentagon?

And what happened to the passengers and crew that were on flight AA77, the plane that did not crash into the pentagon?

i have no idea what happened to them or the flight.

However ask yourself this one simple question. Why was NO damage done to the pentagon where the planes wings would have hit?

Have a look at this image. No damage done by the planes wings? Do you REALLY believe this was the case?


The bit I like is where they claim the pentagon was hit by a missile and not a plane. Fair enough but they never explain what happened to the plane and its passengers, did they just vanish?

The Pentagon was swarming with over 80 CCTV camera's. Yet not ONE single camera picks up a plane hitting the pentagon.

There is NO damage done to the building where the planes wings would have hit.

There is no damage to the building where the planes tail would have hit.

There is no way a large airliner hit the pentagon. Anyone who believes it did is incredibly naive to say the least.

Ok, ok, I give in, it was definitely hit by a missile.

Please explain what happened to flight AA77, the plane that did not crash into the pentagon?

And what happened to the passengers and crew that were on flight AA77, the plane that did not crash into the pentagon?

i have no idea what happened to them or the flight.

Well thats not much of a theory is it?

Every theory/story has to have a starting point and an end point.

Anyway the big picture of the plane is interesting:
The edges of the major damage clearly line up with the engines.
On the RHS you can clearly see a circular area of damage perfectly in line with the engine.
Above that and to the RHS you can see where the cladding has been damaged by the wing.

That'll do me, flight AA77 definitely crashed into the pentagon.
lol you really expect us to think the pentagon used some cheap medieval camera which takes 1 shot every few seconds?! Come on get real. The place was swarming with high quality camera's. This is the heart of the US military, the place was high security. Camera's all over covering all areas yet not one single camera picks up a plane coming in?!
you're the one who said 80 cameras. Hardly a swarm now is it?

Just because it is a Defence establishment don't assume all equipment is the latest bleeding edge kit. CSI isn't real life you know.
Ever consider what the cameras they did have would actually be set to look at? It certainly wouldn't be incoming aircraft.

As i said earlier, the figure you quoted (80) i class as a small to average install.
lol you really expect us to think the pentagon used some cheap medieval camera which takes 1 shot every few seconds?! Come on get real. The place was swarming with high quality camera's. This is the heart of the US military, the place was high security. Camera's all over covering all areas yet not one single camera picks up a plane coming in?!
you're the one who said 80 cameras. Hardly a swarm now is it?

Just because it is a Defence establishment don't assume all equipment is the latest bleeding edge kit. CSI isn't real life you know.
Ever consider what the cameras they did have would actually be set to look at? It certainly wouldn't be incoming aircraft.

As i said earlier, the figure you quoted (80) i class as a small to average install.

the figure of 80 was around the area the plane would have hit. Add to this CCTV from nearby petrol station and shops etc.

The defence establishments always have state of the art equipment, they are the first to get the latest technology. The pentagon is the heart of the US military, they are hardly going to scrimp and save by using budget quality camera's
lol you really expect us to think the pentagon used some cheap medieval camera which takes 1 shot every few seconds?! Come on get real. The place was swarming with high quality camera's. This is the heart of the US military, the place was high security. Camera's all over covering all areas yet not one single camera picks up a plane coming in?!
you're the one who said 80 cameras. Hardly a swarm now is it?

Just because it is a Defence establishment don't assume all equipment is the latest bleeding edge kit. CSI isn't real life you know.
Ever consider what the cameras they did have would actually be set to look at? It certainly wouldn't be incoming aircraft.

As i said earlier, the figure you quoted (80) i class as a small to average install.

the figure of 80 was around the area the plane would have hit. Add to this CCTV from nearby petrol station and shops etc.

The defence establishments always have state of the art equipment, they are the first to get the latest technology. The pentagon is the heart of the US military, they are hardly going to scrimp and save by using budget quality camera's
sorry to rain on your parade, but not strictly true.

Either way it doesn't really matter, you clearly like a good story. Clearly there's a demand here for the BBC to bring back Jackanory.
Did the aircraft fly in perfectly level? (as you'd have us believe) What do you think is actually left of an aircraft flying at over 500 mph into something as solid as a building?
Did the aircraft fly in perfectly level? (as you'd have us believe) What do you think is actually left of an aircraft flying at over 500 mph into something as solid as a building?

So your now saying the plane nose-dived? Not logical.

As for debri, this is the first time a plane crash would have happened where everything was literally incinerated, plane, debri, passengers, even the black box, yet a note from one of the hijackers was found?

I suppose the note said something along the lines of "allah akhbar, death to the infidel"? :rolleyes:
Brilliant. Now claiming not logical to support a conspiracy theory.

And here's me thinking MM was the only complete fruitloop on here.
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