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Or possibly people only believe the conspiracy because they don't want to accept the official story.

No not at all. But when the authorities cannot back up their version of events, when challenged by experts in various disciplines, then they sure have a lot of convincing, or hood winking, to do.

They have had 10 years so far, and still failed!!

People WANT to believe conspiracies because the truth is just too hard to take , the most powerful country in the world CAN be brought to its knees by a handful of young men, the worlds most powerful man CAN be killed by a single man in the book depository, people want the truth to be better than reality
Or possibly people only believe the conspiracy because they don't want to accept the official story.

No not at all. But when the authorities cannot back up their version of events, when challenged by experts in various disciplines, then they sure have a lot of convincing, or hood winking, to do.

They have had 10 years so far, and still failed!!

People WANT to believe conspiracies because the truth is just too hard to take , the most powerful country in the world CAN be brought to its knees by a handful of young men, the worlds most powerful man CAN be killed by a single man in the book depository, people want the truth to be better than reality

The truth would blow conspiricy theories out of the water.

10 years and waiting!
What did you see that day then sooey did you see the hijackers take over planes with little plastic stanley knifes .

Did you see the plane hit the pentagon There is 80 cameras why has footage not been released

Did you see the wreckage at shanksville.

How would it take thousands to cover this up a.

As for Stock exchange it takes 1 person on a computer to sell shares with no interaction with anyone else.

Sooey i watch programmes from both side of the spectrum and there is just too much that doesnt add up and they never properly refute it in my opinion.

As for no letter read up on Delmart vreeland another strange story that goes with this episode.
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I've got a lot of respect for you namsag....regarding your gas know how.
As far as this goes, you're talking bollix, you want proof?? look at the d'heads who are on here arguing your side. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Conspiracies eventually require you to make a decision as to which side you are going to go for. In effect, it is a belief based on smoke and daggers, chinese whispers and hearsay. This is pretty much what defines a religion and so I say unto you, blessed are the bul$hitting blaggers, for theirs is the kingdom of blox, and they shall inherit your wasted imagination. Go in war and hatred to all mankind, world with end. Amen brothers, amen!
Or possibly people only believe the conspiracy because they don't want to accept the official story.

No not at all. But when the authorities cannot back up their version of events, when challenged by experts in various disciplines, then they sure have a lot of convincing, or hood winking, to do.

They have had 10 years so far, and still failed!!

People WANT to believe conspiracies because the truth is just too hard to take , the most powerful country in the world CAN be brought to its knees by a handful of young men, the worlds most powerful man CAN be killed by a single man in the book depository, people want the truth to be better than reality
Simple task of not lending them any more money would do it - recent events showed that.
The Pentagon was swarming with over 80 CCTV camera's. Yet not ONE single camera picks up a plane hitting the pentagon.
And just where do you think the camera's were pointing?

Personally I would have thought that they would cover the whole perimeter fencing and building perimeter at the very least
You see a lot of Boing 737s flying at that height then?

So either the Pentagon is a very tall building, or that 757 was not flying at 35000 feet!!!!!
The truth is quite often much stranger than fiction...... don't you watch Poirot, or CSI, or New Tricks...etc etc....

And 8- cameras will be used to cover a whole perimeter, none of them need overlap... i have 4 cameras around my house, and none of them overlap footage !!! :mrgreen:
Most security cameras cover entrances and possibly internal corridors etc. The footage that was released of the plane hitting the Pentagon was taken with a security camera that takes one frame every few seconds, not one that takes 30 or 40 frames per second. The highest security areas at the Pentagon are going to be in internal areas/offices etc, not the outside as most people would imagine. There are eye witness testimonies of people who saw the aircraft as it approached the Pentagon at low level. Conspiracy theorists conveniently either dismiss or ignore these testimonies.

PS as an example, Derby City council have more security cameras inside the council house, than they do outside. (and that's just a local council 's main office.)
Funny how no cameras were looking out of the Pentagon? I can't believe how naive and blinkered so many of you are.
My thoughts go out to the hundreds of thousands if not millions who've been killed, maimed, made homeless and reduced to living in a stone age country by this fake act of terror and subsequent illegal resource wars.

(Ta for that really good pic of the tower with the huge steel columns still there while the rest had been blown up. Now how did those columns go from being there to reduced to nothing given there was nothing to cut them down further- steel doesn't just snap in mid air into convenient sizes for shipping out quickly, or are we just going to ignore all the architects/engineers/metallurgists/physics experts (as well as the pilots who say the Pentagon manoeuvre could never have been done?))
And as for breaking news the WTC7 slip up happened at 5pm EST, 20 mins before it happened- and hardly in the melee of the initial "attacks". Sounds more like a script being read at the wrong time....
We'll never find out who did it, that's for sure. But my money is on the respected professionals who are more interested in the actual physics of the "collapses" and why nothing adds up, not who did it.
So us that don't believe the official story are just mad conspiracy crackpot idiots? From my perspective those that do believe the official line are perfect drones who can't handle the truth and are in denial.
It's clear we're on two sides and will all have to agree to disagree!!!! :eek:
Experts eh?

I doubt there is one - anywhere - who can actually say for certain, and based on previous practical, first hand experience, of how a structure of such size WILL collapse.
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