A Blatant Lie by BJ about Trade between NI and GB.

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You still don't get it do you, under this protocol N. I. remains part of the EU and subject to a foreign customs code, subject to a foreign court and subject to EU laws and regulations even though N.I.no longer has any democratic representation in the EU parliament.
Is this the Brexit you voted for?
The PM that you wanted?

BJ is threatening to invoke Article 16, unless the EU agree to changes.
Changes to the NI Protocol that BJ agreed little more than 38 days ago. Is no agreement sacrosanct under this PM?
What happened last time BJ threatened to ignore an Agreement?
Brexit: Boris Johnson to override EU withdrawal agreement
Boris Johnson is drawing up legislation that will override the Brexit withdrawal agreement on Northern Ireland, a move that threatens the collapse of crunch talks which the prime minister has said must be completed within five weeks.
Oh, that's right BJ backed down. His threats are as meaningless as his agreements.
You still don't get it do you, under this protocol N. I. remains part of the EU and subject to a foreign customs code, subject to a foreign court and subject to EU laws and regulations even though N.I.no longer has any democratic representation in the EU parliament

NI stays in the SM for goods and is under SM regulatory jurisdiction for goods....it isn't an EU member.

The price of Brexit was a choice between a land border in the Island of Ireland or a border between NI and GB.

If you didn't want either of those then you shouldn't have voted for Brexit.

Cakeism, that's the problem with Brexiters.....they always wanted options never possible.
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Another blatant lie by vinty.

Those brexers have no shame.
It isn't a lie, N.I. no longer has any representation in the EU parliament, true or false? N.I. is subject to EU law ,true or false?
N.I. is subject to the jurisdiction of the ECJ, true or false.?


What does it mean?
The UK has agreed that the European Commission and the European Court of Justice will have jurisdiction to enforce EU rules in Northern Ireland. However, UK bodies will often be tasked with enforcement duties on the ground.

The European Commission will have wide-ranging rights to ask for information and intervene in the way UK enforcement bodies are acting
It isn't a lie, N.I. no longer has any representation in the EU parliament, true or false? N.I. is subject to EU law ,true or false?
N.I. is subject to the jurisdiction of the ECJ, true or false.?


What does it mean?
The UK has agreed that the European Commission and the European Court of Justice will have jurisdiction to enforce EU rules in Northern Ireland. However, UK bodies will often be tasked with enforcement duties on the ground.

The European Commission will have wide-ranging rights to ask for information and intervene in the way UK enforcement bodies are acting
As per the Brexiteers comment to Remainers on losing the referendum, It's the democratic decision. Go with the majority.
Nothing to see here, move on. :whistle:
Boris has mentioned miraculous high technology methods of managing boarders. Maybe he thought automated bar code scanners but increasing boarder force so maybe they are hand held.

The UK has never relaxed it's boarders in relationship to people. What people are driving does not allow people to sail through. What's different now - nothing. Some changes concerning what these people can expect when they arrive was cleared up before we left or even voted. Refugees can always be a problem. International law.

The NI boarder in case no one has noticed is not in the sea it's in NI. There is talk of moving it here.

The problems that are cropping up. Looks like there are some England to main land Europe as well. Then NI. All are things that just happened before we left completely but we are now out full stop which means we are subject to out of EU regs. When Boris sat down and listed things that live in water he forgot some. Sounds like he never thought of soil as well. Did you know we have let down British earth worms. Probably Irish as well. Nothing to do with the EU but they have had a hard time. There are other things as well. That's why there are restrictions on movement of all sort of similar natural things. How did we get here. Simple electing some one that said we will be out on this date. So we have finished up with a deal to do more dealing. EU politicians are likely to help with that as they are well aware of the problems associated with being a politician. The ERG had plenty of time to look at what goes where and implications but all they are really interested in is their philosophy. Practicalities are another matter. There are murmurs about the UK getting a sort of stay of execution to give more time to finish sorting things out. I suspect that will fall on stony ground.

Then we are going to deregulate. Please tell me what. All countries everywhere have regulations on what can be sold there even us. Forget it. Human rights type areas maybe but rather unlikely.

Then youtube videos. Does anybody wonder about who posted them and where they are and why they are as they are. People know that news papers can be rather politically slanted and they are regulated to some extent. Social media isn't. There is talk of naming them all as publishers which makes them as responsible as newspaper have to be. Frankly I don't think it would make much difference. People here are pretty aware of what Trump's tweets and various spoutings have achieved. What people don't seem to realise is much the same techniques were used to achieve Brexit. In some ways it's has achieved a divided nation as Trump has. More of that may emerge over time. We tend to be a bit more civilised than people in the USA. Far more herd like other than the devolved nations who are being pushed in certain directions by their own politicians beliefs.

So having achieved it live with it rather than continuously bleating like a load of sheep about it.
As per the Brexiteers comment to Remainers on losing the referendum, It's the democratic decision. Go with the majority.
Nothing to see here, move on. :whistle:
What democratic decision? The UK is supposed to be 4 nations united by consent and equality of citizenship.
When it comes to the sovereignty of the individual nations then Parliament has no authority in that area.
The right to self determination is a democratic right, if Boris's idea of the Union is selling off one country's sovereignty in order to secure another country's sovereignty then he knows where he can stick his Union.
What democratic decision? The UK is supposed to be 4 nations united by consent and equality of citizenship.
When it comes to the sovereignty of the individual nations then Parliament has no authority in that area.
Tell the Scots.
The right to self determination is a democratic right, if Boris's idea of the Union is selling off one country's sovereignty in order to secure another country's sovereignty then he knows where he can stick his Union.
So run the referendum, or alternatively campaign for an independent NI.

But to complain about the BJ's version of Brexit is pointless, it's done and dusted, and talk of breaking the Agreement is silly.
Boris has mentioned miraculous high technology methods of managing boarders. Maybe he thought automated bar code scanners but increasing boarder force so maybe they are hand held.
Now overruled by Gove who has decided it needs a political solution.
But we told him that years ago.
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