You're right, Sweden! I think it's because in my head I use a stupid accent for it that drags out the ee
What do the mortality figures show and how do they differ from what I'm saying? Let's try to be clear, because so far nothing in this thread has been.
I'm just repeating what EFL said because you didn't appear to understand what he said.
My thoughts: Although everyone ridicules Ryler, he does raise a few pertinent points. Worldwide deaths from Covid, 800,000. Worldwide deaths from the 1968 flu pandemic, up to 4 million.
In 1968 there were no lockdowns, and the world economy wasn't trashed.
I try not to be a conspiracy theorist, that's nutters territory, but, if someone asked me to come up with one, I might say that global economies have never recovered from the financial crash of 2008 and were looking like they never would, a global pandemic, ground zero and reset the entire economy to a low wage one. How many multi-nationals are creating redundancies and re-employing at a lower pay scale?
Food for thought?