A lot of people want to come here and who can blame them......

Well done for that Kankerot, it's appreciated, and there's no question that you're obviously well read and intelligent, and I like some of your ideas, but find others a bit high faluting. But we are all entitled to our own opinion, and like you, I don't always agree with others on here, but I accept the right to have a discussion, and for them to disagree with me.
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But we are all entitled to our own opinion, and like you, I don't always agree with others on here, but I accept the right to have a discussion, and for them to disagree with me.
Ahem! Oh no you do not accept the rights of others to disagree with you! You want them banned if they disagree with you, or demonstrate your fallible memory or false allegations!
Shouldn't there be an automatic ban when about 5 people have you on ignore.
Let's look at it another way.

Rather than give benefits to people who aren't paid enough to live on (isn't that slavery? - anyway) let's force companies to pay a living wage (whatever amount that is), and if some firms cannot afford to pay this amount, for whatever reason, then the government will give some of other people's taxes to these companies to make up the shortfall.

Then, only a few companies need to be means tested instead of millions of people.

How does that sound? Ridiculous and unacceptable?

What is the difference from what happens now?
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How does that sound? Ridiculous and unacceptable

Sorry, but yes - but no offence meant. This pretty much what's happening with the rail companies, in that they get a subsidy from the government, and it goes in to the share holder pockets.

But slavery is where you just get food and board, and the occasional beating, so I don't think we can look at things this way.

In the middle ages, most poor people worked for the local land owner, and they were treated as slaves. The black death thinned out the population, and they were then able to negotiate with the land owners for their own land which they'd work for themselves, and pay him a rent. So we need to thin out the population somehow, then companies will have to increase the wages they offer.
Sorry, but yes - but no offence meant. This pretty much what's happening with the rail companies, in that they get a subsidy from the government, and it goes in to the share holder pockets.
True. I was going to mention that but no Rail system anywhere makes a profit.

But slavery is where you just get food and board, and the occasional beating, so I don't think we can look at things this way.
They don't get food and board on zero hours "contracts".

In the middle ages, most poor people worked for the local land owner, and they were treated as slaves.
Not exactly.
Their land had magically become the property of the land "owner" to whom they had to pay some of their produce.

The black death thinned out the population, and they were then able to negotiate with the land owners for their own land which they'd work for themselves, and pay him a rent.
Is that different?

So we need to thin out the population somehow, then companies will have to increase the wages they offer.
It doesn't seem to work that way.

I am astounded that people think it acceptable that someone can work hard all week and end up with too little to live on.
Of course, this is affected by other things like high rents and house prices but that's all part of the same plot, isn't it?
Don't forget, I grew up in the 60s and 70s when the technology predicted was going to allow everyone to share the reduced number of jobs on half a week each.

What happened to that?

Now there are more people in employment (in Britain) than ever before.
We obviously want cheap labour but not EU or anyone else's terms. Didn't the EU limit the number of hours people can work each week? Working Time Directive? I'm glad UK is getting out.
At least we can have cheap labour, people are queuing up all around the med to get in
We obviously want cheap labour but not EU or anyone else's terms. Didn't the EU limit the number of hours people can work each week? Working Time Directive? I'm glad UK is getting out.

Do you need more hours to do a worthwhile amount of work then? Are you one of the many unproductive people in the UK that I keep reading and hearing about?
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