There is also a 't' sound in the words patio, better, metal etc.
'Fink' is a design of truss rafter and not someone who engages in thought.
Never come to South London
There is also a 't' sound in the words patio, better, metal etc.
'Fink' is a design of truss rafter and not someone who engages in thought.
Oh well two pennorth:-
There is no R in Bath, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Drawing
As in Barth, Irarq Irarn and Afghanistarn and Drawring. As pronounced by many TV comentators and news readers
Even local news presenters pronounce some Liverpool suburbs incorrectly.
Gateacre is pronounced Gat-akka, not Gate Acre
Childwall is 'Chilled Wall' not Child Wall
Maghull is Ma Gull not Mag Hull
Kirkby is Kir Bee not Kirk Bee
There's probably more but can't think of them at the moment.
Donkmeister";p="1817483 said:Nah, there`s a load of r`sOh well two pennorth:-
You'll be saying there's no "r" in Newcastle next...
Good god!!I'm half Liverpool half Manchester
Think you`ll find it stored under your glanspotential pedants get it very, very wrong.
Phew, I didn't realise I had all that stored up in my pedant gland!
I appear to have stumbled into pedants' corner... Ah well, in for a penny
"I went to the shops and returned home with three screwdrivers" has a very different meaning to:
"I went to the shops and returned home with free screwdrivers". "Th" - it's a pretty run-of-the-mill voiceless dental fricative.
"Dave and I are going to the shop, would you like to come?" - correct
"Would you like to come to the shop with Dave and I?" - incorrect
Retrospective and retroactive - learn the difference.
Pedantry involving the use of the "ise" suffix and the "ize" suffix - many potential pedants get it very, very wrong.
Virus - plural "viruses", not "virii" (again, so many people think they're being a pedant when in fact they're just being wrong)
Mouse - plural "mice" (animal), "mouses" (input device on a computer)
Invite = verb. Invitation =noun. No one has ever received an "invite". However, people have been "invited" by means of an "invitation".
Phew, I didn't realise I had all that stored up in my pedant gland!
Of course, there are more important things in life, and just so long as I can tell someone I went to the shops to buy a set of screwdrivers and a computer peripheral without getting punched in the face over a misunderstanding about what it means, I'm quite happy.
Just waiting until someone points out the inevitable spelling mistake or incorrect grammar in the above text!
Knowing that stactistics never lie--
I care!--Forget what this thread was about though, but dammit I care! & so does my wife!
In Zurich at the moment we have one of the "three lions" who, wif his prime minister and wif his Potential future king, struggles to string a sentance together.
Why do I get the feeling I'm going to regret this. So in advance :- Sorry !