A message to everyone...

In Zurich at the moment we have one of the "three lions" who, wif his prime minister and wif his Potential future king, struggles to string a sentance together.

Why do I get the feeling I'm going to regret this. So in advance :- Sorry !

Never ever apologise for putting badly written rubbish on here. Your contribution is always highly valued ( not by all though) because this is a class less medium and your thoughts are needed. :)

Your egalitarian principals do you proud sir and I am deeply honoured that my Ill thought out ramblings have moved such a noble mind to comment. :)
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Beckham has been reported to say

'You should accept our bid, Because football is in our deenay',

Rather than DNA. :p

Portugal/Spain were the contenders though, weren't they? No Russian mafia won. (I can say it!)

Great to see the Equatorial teams freezing their nuts of in Russia! Bring it on Brazil! Half the Premiership players look like they are going out for a cold nights shopping when they are playing, Gloves, scarves, hats, whats that new thing they pull over their heads? A snood? When I played football at school it was thin nylon, very short, but I think, only for the benefit of the games teacher, that monitored communal shower usage very closely, and left the school very quickly. And I didn't even attend a Catholic school.