If the conveyor belt was static, and the plane started to move forwards at 1mph, the conveyor would detect the movement of the wheels and start to move at 1mph the other way. However thrust is still propelleing the plane forward at 1mph.
So now the conveyor is travelling backwards at 1mph, the plane is moving forwards at 1mph, so the wheel are turning at 2mph (at circumference).
But the rules in the question say the conveyor will turn at the same speed as the wheels, but in the opposite direction.
So the conveyor speeds up to 2 mph to match the wheels.
But the plane continues to travel forward at 1mph (it has very poor acceleration!) so the wheels are now spinning at 3mph.
It is impossible, at the same time, for the plane to be moving, and the conveyor to match the speed of the wheels.
The forward speed of the plane must be equal to the forward speed of the wheels minus the backward speed of the conveyor.
The rules in the question cannot be met unless the plane is stationary.
Of course, if you change the question to say what you think it ought to say, you can come up with a solution to match the re-worded question.