All that extra time getting your passport stamped…..

'Air miles mottie' of course can tell us if the fact that he can now only stay 3 months in any 6 months in the EU/EEA is a brexit bonus? :rolleyes:

And coming up soon are visas...

And fingerprinting and facial scans*

These of course don't apply to EU/EEA citizens...

So will 'Air miles mottie' tell us if that is another brexit bonus?

*treated like a criminal in other words, but I'm pretty sure 'Air miles mottie' doesn't have a problem with that ;)

But the Crecians will soon be able to keep better track of the various cretins that visit their Island.
That is a brexit bonus for them!
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'Air miles mottie' of course can tell us if the fact that he can now only stay 3 months in any 6 months in the EU/EEA is a brexit bonus? :rolleyes:
Seriously, who the fùck on here needs to spend more than 3 months out of 6 in the EU?
And coming up soon are visas...
£4 for 3 years? Not really a problem for anyone except you.
And fingerprinting and facial scans*
I have nothing to hide. Do you?
But the Crecians
It’s Cretans you cretin. Cretan. People from Crete are called Cretans. I would have thought that a self proclaimed international traveller in his dotage such as yourself who boast of visiting 48 countries would have know that by now.
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Seriously, who the fùck on here needs to spend more than 3 months out of 6 in the EU?
Quite a few I would think...

But what about most of those who have kids/grandkids?

They are affected too, so you have shut down that choice for generations to come!
I have nothing to hide. Do you?

But it was the same before the extra regulations came in, and you still won't tell us why more hassles, inconvenience, controls, costs are a bonus :rolleyes:

Btw, are you having such a good time that you still so obsessed with proving yourself wrong that you post on here?

Go chill out and get a life for a short while ;)
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Seriously, who the fùck on here needs to spend more than 3 months out of 6 in the EU?
Quite a few I would think...
Who on here? Come on all you "quite a few on here". Help Ellal out. Who on here needs to spend more than 3 months out of 6 in the EU including you? Anyone? Nosey? Notch? Carmen? Any other pro and proud Europeans?

But what about most of those who have kids/grandkids?
What do you mean? Why would 'most of those' who have kids/grandkids need to spend 3 months in the EU? If you have a genuine need to do that, get a visa.
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I'm guessing the crochety old duffers that voted for your pointless Brexit certainly didn't.
You’re probably right. If they didn’t need to spend 3 months in 6 in the EU why the **** would they be bothered? You seem to go to the EU more than most on here and even you aren’t anywhere near the 90 day limit so why should you be bothered? They might as well tell us that we aren’t allowed to go to the moon for more than a fortnight for all the difference it will make to us.
You’re probably right. If they didn’t need to spend 3 months in 6 in the EU why the **** would they be bothered? You seem to go to the EU more than most on here and even you aren’t anywhere near the 90 day limit so why should you be bothered? They might as well tell us that we aren’t allowed to go to the moon for more than a fortnight for all the difference it will make to us.
Are you asking why I'm bothered about (UK citizens) border delays or multiple reasons why Brixit has been so shît?
I see mottie has responded by pointing out ALL of the benefits of brexit.

Saying things aren't much worse or saying people that are affected by working or living in the EU don't exist just shows things are worse, not better.

How many years has it been now mottie ? When do the benefits kick in?

Or is this it?

EU has toughened up its borders, but we haven't. And that was what was proudly and loudly claimed as the biggest reason for brexit.

Admit it when you dare. But you've been misled and fooled, or worse. Brexit hasn't helped, at all !
Hello. I see that posts 24 to 26 are by someone on my ignore list. Is it three different posters or the usual post after post after post by Doubtfyre? :unsure: Either way, I’m not much interested in what those on my ignore list think so I refuse to look at 'em. Carry on wasting your time, whoever you are! :ROFLMAO:
Ok for you to ‘travel' then is it but nobody else? Are you a special case or something?
Still waiting for the international man of mystery to tell us of his green credentials and how he visited those 48 countries and has the nerve to call me "Air miles Mottie" for going to Crete. Perhaps he's having a sneaky afternoon nap at the care home.
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