All that extra time getting your passport stamped…..

Like a snapshot of the port of Dover on the first weekend of the school summer break when the French are on strike you mean?
Exactly, I was in Manc airport last year landed just after a couple of 380s absolute mayhem at PP control, previous time hardly a soul about, means nothing
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A very in depth report from an all inclusive week in Crete, hardly a powerhouse of Europe
It's not even that. The idiosyncratic nature of flight arrivals means that you can either breeze through passport or be in a large queue, no matter what.
What is interesting is that when it is very busy, those holding a GB passport can expect to wait, whilst the EU bods are waved through the well manned booths.
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Mottie is still desperately telling himself brexit has only made things a bit worse.

odd that, I dont remember Brexit supporters voting so things would be "a bit worse"..........what was the point?
As someone who travels every couple of weeks to and from EU countries for work, BREXIT hasn't made any noticeable difference. At peak times at CDG sometimes the other passports queue is faster than the EU queue

And when the EU soon stops stamping passports it will be quicker again
As someone who travels every couple of weeks to and from EU countries for work, BREXIT hasn't made any noticeable difference. At peak times at CDG sometimes the other passports queue is faster than the EU queue
And it certainly hasn't made it better

Do you disagree though that when there are queues, they are much worse than pre brexit ?

We haven't increased our border security yet, and that was the big claim for brexit.
Impossible to say. Passenger numbers have increased since the Brexit vote so you can't compare whether queues are better or not. Also technology has improved to ease flow.
It's not even that. The idiosyncratic nature of flight arrivals means that you can either breeze through passport or be in a large queue, no matter what.
What is interesting is that when it is very busy, those holding a GB passport can expect to wait, whilst the EU bods are waved through the well manned booths.
Well, that could be true with arrivals but in departures we were in a queue of a couple of hundred. Once we'd had our bags checked we went off to passport control. That’s the second picture I showed. No queues whatsoever. Also, they had no dedicated EU or third country queue's. Unfortunately, that was how it is. Sorry I couldn’t be more negative about the whole affair.
Impossible to say. Passenger numbers have increased since the Brexit vote so you can't compare whether queues are better or not. Also technology has improved to ease flow.
So the best you can say is it's not better, and probably not much worse generally.

Not exactly an advantage is it. Another, no benefit. And we have yet to control our borders effectively. So that's a minus.
'Air miles mottie' of course can

And fingerprinting and facial scans*

These of course don't apply to EU/EEA citizens...
Many countries use finger printing and have done for years takes seconds ,as for facial scans Remind us what happens when we present our passports in our own country . Oh yeah your face gets scanned and has done for years now
Still waiting for the international man of mystery to tell us of his green credentials and how he visited those 48 countries and has the nerve to call me "Air miles Mottie" for going to Crete. Perhaps he's having a sneaky afternoon nap at the care home.
I wonder where @ellal has gone? Perhaps he's off visiting a 49th country? One thing's sure, he ain’t visiting this forum for some reason.
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Catch yous later just about to catch a plane after going through facial recognition and having to fill in online documents and get QR code just to enter and leave the country which nobody asked to see .what a waste of 5 mins .
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