Anyone got any evidence for a god?

If I was born 10,000 years ago, I would have bee able to work out that the earth was going around the Sun and that it was round, so **** obvious!

and That God is Energy and you can't **** see him! its simple as that !
only the idiots expect to see evidence of God!

wow! i have said this final time.

Fookin use your common sense and logic! :rolleyes:
The logical conclusion of what you say is that the bible has nothing to do with god. Because if it's impossible for anybody to see evidence of god then none of the bible contributors could have done either. I'll ask you the same questions I asked joe - I'd be interested in your response. You both agree that god is completely unknown to us - beyond our comprehension I think joe said. There are several possible scenarios; it might have existed or it might not have. Maybe it did exist, but if so you have no way of knowing if it still does. It might have been a one off event that died out with the start of space and time. You have no way of knowing if god was/is good or bad. You have no way of knowing if your prayers, thanks, worship, etc. are heard. Even if they are heard you have no way of knowing if they are understood or if prayer and worship is what you are supposed to be doing. So why do you do it? Why worship and thank something that you don't know exists? In particular, why worship something that might be bad?
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Jeds, my brains are reaching a melt down state, How can God not be there, I am trying to find any reasons or evidence to rule out God, but unfortunately or fortunately I cannot find any excuse or a reason which says that God is not there, I knew it would be so hard to explain that God is not there.

Oh yes but it is a lot easier to see that God is there, he created this universe out of his Energy, God and Energy are the two different sides of the same coin. God & Energy are twined, as is Fire and heat, if there is no fire, there is heat. (added bonus - you get some light as well as some smoke too! )

Without this Energy, the universe would be totally dark and at its absolute minus temperature -what is it -232 celsius,

Only that God was there or has been there forever, since Energy cannot be destroyed nor created, so there is no question where it came from, it was always there and shall always remain so, it created the universe and all things inside.

for those seeking evidence, every atom you see is atom of God!

it can't get any simpler!

And forget about the Bible and the Koran and the Mahabharata,,,
God's laws are self governed, you jump from a Cliff, you fall and break your bones and die, you drink too much and you will die of alcohol poisoning, you rape someone's sister, he will naturally kill you, it is not God who will kill you, God does not interfere, you break speed limits, the law will deal with you, you hurt someone, you will expect to get hurt too,

You love someone, you expect to be loved too, respect earns respect, hatred only yields hatred, you build houses on landslide areas, you expect them to sink, you live too near a shore, you expect to be hit by large waves, and get drowned, you heat the earths climate, you expect more hurricanes and expect devastation, God does not cause this, earths plates move because it is alive, and everything that is alive is subject to change, so earths continents are subject to move, we must accommodate to these changes, we can't live forever in one place, we must scumb to earth one day, nothing is immortal, except Energy.
I bet a lot of Christians 'believe' in god for the same reasons that Voltaire gave: just in case there really is a god!
The underlying theme with these arguments is always along the same line without a shred of common sense or logic ‘oh please let there be a god or I’ll scream and scream ‘till I make myself sick!’


The reason I say I’m an Atheist is because the lumbering invisible amorphous entity they call god, if one were to exist, would be like me having concern, empathy and love for each and every maggot on Earth. I’m just not that important in the big scheme of things; none of us are.

Whether some part of what makes me ‘me’ could exist again is an idea I am open to. If I ‘happened’ once then why not again? (What people might call a soul) But that’s not me going to some Disneyland where I am aware of any previous existence or to pick up where I left off.

A bit like the 60s. If you remember it you weren’t really there. :D
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But that's not the question Mike. I'm not arguing your point about god being energy or whatever - Something sparked the beginning of space and time and I'm happy to call it god. But what makes you think this god is a good thing? For all you know it might have been an evil experiment. Why do you believe it is the right thing to worship and pray to it? What makes you think your prayers are even heard or if they are that they are understood? God may have existed for a brief moment at the beginning of space and time and now no longer exists. The point is that these things are completely unknown to us - as you previously acknowledged - so I can't see any logic in worshipping and praying to it.
Why do people in this forum think they have the capability to understand infinity and eternity? You don't. Get over it.

You don't even know how paracetamol works FFS. Why do you think you can comprehend infinity? You are deluded. You are on a massive ego trip. You know nuffink. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Okay, another angle.

At some stage a few ,then a lot, of people decided that a god was in charge.

In living memory this has merely been the result of being told that there is a god by other people, and this has been the case historically , ie relying on faith.

What is out there to demonstrate the veracity of the claim ?

Since Creation/Big Bang what has happened that cannot be explained by natural processes?
If you look at God as some kind of father Christmas figure then you aren't going to get anywhere. Science and God will one day be in the same place. You cannot study science without searching for God (that which is behind all things). Forget the Bronze Age text ffs. :rolleyes:
Logic and reasoning is the most powerful tool man was gifted with, or perhaps ever invented, in turn if we have the ability to can use this powerful tool, we can work out everything else ort most things, through reason of logic. Albert Einstein used this powerful tool to reach that E must E must equal Mass times speed of light squared (E=MC2) because he proved this logically, hence how we can use this powerful tool to see what is God or who is God and where is he, and wouldn't take 10 seconds to find out. yes 10 seconds, not 10,000 years!

And as every atom is composed of Energy or God, since Energy cannot be separated from God, both are part of the same coin as fire and heat are, hence we reach another logical verdict

If every atom is made of God, therefore by logic we are also God, and if we are God and we say things and we write things, then these things we write are also word of God

So in the end you can sAY LOGICALLY THAT ALL RELIGIOUS BOOKS ARE WRITTEN BY GOD, as they were actually writ ten by Men! yes those Men who were made of God atoms, like you and I are, hence why I said forget about religious books, You are God, you say things that is what God is saying , indeed we are all God, and I shall stop looking for a fantom God as the real God is here and everywhere, my cats are also God! Thats the logic, the ultimate truth! must be very hard for anyone to comprehend! you must be so thick if you can't! perhaps you lack intelligence to use logic properly, you know we have tools but you also must know how to use those tools! :LOL:

so are you saying that fossils are evidence of evolution, but at the same time are you discrediting the material evidence of creation, and including the fossil.

Fossils are evidence to support the theory of evolution.

However, I'm not sure how they are used to support a creationist's theory as per the Biblical timespan of less than 10,000 years ago, given the age of those that are billions of years old, or the creationist's theory that everything was created in 6 days.

just under 7000 years ago, i believe life was created,including man.
the planet it self could be older.
for a start anything older, and the earths population would double triple it is now, just a thought.

To be fair, if the mere existance of things is the argument for a god, then you are not looking for evidence but reverting to one of those circular arguments that I mentioned in my post

God is a spirit, he is invisible to human eye,but you can see him whith spirituel eyes,its sin that blinds us ,spirituely.

'I believe a god made things. I see things that I think a god made; if they are there it is because a god made them, therefore a god must have made them, and that is why they are there'

yes and he has put it in our hearts to seek him,he has given all of us a measure of faith.,thats why people hunger inside for an answer to why we are here. we hunger for the truth.

What external evidence is there that god made fossils , or indeed what is the creationist explanation for them?

God created the life before it was a fossil or whatever it was before it died ,fossils are a result of death and corruption, the consequence of sin
alot of fossils, came from the great flood, apparently
carbon dating i heard was unrelible,and in accurate.
This is why Sombrero is still alive and not cursed by a fantom God, because he is God himself! logically he would have died if he had cursed real God, but he is only cursing himself! :p

So now you can see logically why religions were created, to keep law & order and to help social cohesion, thats why there are so many religions and all different because each religion catered a certain group of people or culture, so none are as true as any other or all are as true as any other.

This is why sooner or later religion will scumb to common sense and logic and humanity, as there is not a one God but we all are God, that we are looking for, God is in us all. We are the religion, all different and independent and we must live within the laws of the society, if we kill or hurt another we then must suffer punishment through law, call it our law or call it God's law, it is the same thing as we are all God. We made these logical laws, and so we dispense punishment to suit crime, stoning people to death is a medieval crime committed by some insane disillusioned illogical people, who are a disgrace to God.
Please bear in mind, you can all talk to God, and yes he does listen, when you talk to yourself, you can hear what you are saying, and when you realise you are God, and everything is within your potential, so get out there and do that thing you always wanted to do, and you will achieve it. You are God and you can help yourself. ;)
Mike, you seem to be missing the point somewhat....

your god is just science....

The god I take issue with is the one that's an elephant.... or the one that has a horse with wings... or the one that created everything we know in just 6 EARTH DAYS !!!!!! why EARTH DAYS? when we're in a universe where Earth is nothing?????

The answer is because EARTH is all that the PEOPLE who wrote the babble (sorry, bible) knew about !!!
Only that God was there or has been there forever, since Energy cannot be destroyed nor created, so there is no question where it came from, it was always there and shall always remain so, it created the universe and all things inside..

Therefore if energy can't be created or destroyed, it follows then, that there is no god, as he can't possibly have created something that's always been there.
No one can truly answer who created us But I think those who fear death are far more likely to believe in a god or afterlife as it's inconciveable to them to think that one day they won't exsist anymore .
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