Only that God was there or has been there forever, since Energy cannot be destroyed nor created, so there is no question where it came from, it was always there and shall always remain so, it created the universe and all things inside..
Therefore if energy can't be created or destroyed, it follows then, that there is no god, as he can't possibly have created something that's always been there.
Oh, I slipped up by not mentioning again that I have mentioned before many times, that God is Energy itself, or Energy is God itself or himself for respect,
So God cannot be destroyed and or created, he is the creator, he is the energy himself, as I explained before you cannot get fire without heat , if there is a fire there will be heat, same way if God was not there, there would neither be any energy and hence there would have been no creation, you wouldn't be surfing on the net today, you simply would not exist along with everything else including me. By this definition, if there was no energy, there would be No God either.
When Einstein came up with his famous E=mc2, he proved this mathematically and logically, he did not prove this in an experiment, later on much later on when the first atomic bomb was detonated, it proved that atoms are made of vast amounts of energy, and if we try to obliterate them out of existence, then vast amounts of energy is released that went in creating it in the first place.
So by this logic, we can say that since at present we use uranium to generate nuclear power, but in theory an atom of any element is capable of yielding vast amounts of energy, of course this is beyond my scope of my brains, as I am not a physicist.
But I can say, that God is the spiritual aspect of this supreme Energy and all matter is driven out of this supreme energy hence each and every atom is composed of God energy.
I really think that religions were made by more intelligent men to brainwash less intelligent men to put fear in them and to control earthly things, religion therefore has no real connection with God, if God had wanted whole earth to follow one religion then he would have wiped out all other religions by now.