Anyone got any evidence for a god?

Best to see it for yourself, or subject yourself to an experiment, I will attach probes directly to your side temple areas and forehead, and induce some electrical signals, and see if you can see anything in your head and feel someone is touching you, you would feel almost like it was real.

yes indeed, scientists conducted an experiment in closed environment on various subject, one women thought someone was poking his hands up her skirt! :LOL:
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You might find this quite distressing, what scientist did to young girls using mind control techniqiues, I recomend that you watch from the begining, but if you don't have time watch from 6.00min on

Check from around 6 minutes how this girl describes what she went through:

Please see part two of this video, highly recommended.

Part two :

In the name of Science and in the interest of National Security, it perfectly OK for the Government's officials to abuse young children, sexually molest them, experiment on their sexula organs and mind, exploit them, and yet they get away scott free, No you mus't brand them peadofiles! Its OK for Authorities to abuse Children, I long suspected that.
I thought you didn't need proof of God, it is the other lot who wants to see proof of God, if only they know first what God is then they can seek proof of him,

Can you prove something exists if you don't what it looks like or where to look?

So from the beginning, your quest for proof is going to be futile, God is only seen through realisation, but sadly people have no idea what that means.
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Mike, there will be bad people in any walk of life... your link is shameful, but irrelavent.

I want proof of god because some believers think I should die because I don't believe. And on top of that, some seemingly intelligent people actually believe the babble (sorry bible), and yet there is no measurable evidence of any of it - just belief.

What's your take on UFO's Mike from Londinium?
The universe is proof of God. If you don't believe that - then tell us all where it came from. (he won't).
Belief in a god and heaven stems from a fear of death and the crap that happens in life.
13.8 billion years ago. I thought you were a scientist.
13.8 billion years ago. I thought you were a scientist.

What god do you refer to? because you're at odds with the one in the old testament! You're relying on science for number there !!
Belief in a god and heaven stems from a fear of death and the crap that happens in life.

No it doesn't. It is the obvious answer to where all things come from.
So your so called god will be in fact a human who will explain the origins of the universe?Not a deity who created the heavens and the earth in 7 days?
The point being Joe... for me as an atheist I understand the notion of the big bang, and the timeline, and evolution... it all seems provable.

I have no concept of a "before" the big bang.. but you postulate that a god created everything... well that neither proves nor solves anything, because what created your god?

We get into a russian doll syndrome.

The point is, we should live our lives the best we can based on the best we know... and religion only knows a much twisted text, whereas science has the actuals...

Joe, it's simple, fact versus fable !
13.8 billion years ago. I thought you were a scientist.

What god do you refer to? because you're at odds with the one in the old testament! You're relying on science for number there !!

The bible is nothing to do with the universe. It's a bronze age text. Would you use a bronze age Hayne's manual?
Belief in a god and heaven stems from a fear of death and the crap that happens in life.

No it doesn't. It is the obvious answer to where all things come from.
So your so called god will be in fact a human who will explain the origins of the universe?Not a deity who created the heavens and the earth in 7 days?

God isn't a deity. That's just a feeble human understanding of god.
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