Arab captives tortured in Israeli hospitals

George was a criminal. I loose no sleep for criminals. Most definitely those who use their size and guns to intimidate people.
Thank you for admitting you are perfectly happy for police brutality against an innocent victim.

George Floyd committed a criminal act quite a few years back for which he spent time in jail....that did not mean he was a criminal at the time a police office kneed him until he was dead

You are an easily led person who believed the lies and smears made about him by the far right, such as people like Candice Owens
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I think the whistleblowers were Jewish if that helps.
They were. All doctors. Much of the attention was based on a military detention camp that has been set up in part due to doctors views on what was going on in respect to detention in general. Going to this doesn't relate to why people are detained and many are released on a no charge basis as they were just detained without any proof or what ever.

ALJ's report was probably more accurate than some. Detainees strapped down mistreated etc in various ways. Torture positions etc. The man who lost a leg. Wound infection. 2 attempts at cleaning it up while being detained then sent to hospital where it was pointed out he had 2 choices. His life or loss of a leg. He is a taxi driver. This from the horses mouth so accurate.
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Total fiction from Bod the arab-hater.

I have never seen John ever condemn the the rape, sexual torture and murder of Jews on the 7th October. Have I missed it? maybe someone can link to it?
I have never seen John ever condemn the the rape, sexual torture and murder of Jews on the 7th October. Have I missed it? maybe someone can link to it?

Screw all those who rape, torture, murder innocent people be they Jew, Chrisitian or Palestinian.

So Gally and John are the same person then. Now there is a surprise better check which identity you post under next time.

Go on then condemn the Oct 7th atrocities.
So Gally and John are the same person then. Now there is a surprise better check which identity you post under next time.

Go on then condemn the Oct 7th atrocities.


**** the 7th october Hamas attack and **** Israel response.

Oh now back to your wasteland.

Let me make it clear - screw Hamas to hell.
Wasteland - what is that about?

By the way your post contains a lot of stars so maybe you would like to try again in language that can not be misinterpreted.
I have never seen John ever condemn the the rape, sexual torture and murder of Jews on the 7th October. Have I missed it? maybe someone can link to it?
Some nuts don't realise what the protests are about and automaticity assume these people think HAMAS and others similar are great. They also forget the other similar groups.

Nuts isn't a strong enough word. Infantile concerning the general problems in Arab areas is far better.
Wasteland - what is that about?

By the way your post contains a lot of stars so maybe you would like to try again in language that can not be misinterpreted.

Screw them all.

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces​

The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from​

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