Arctic ice melting - maybe not

100% correct.

Humankind has created nothing short of a sh1tshow on this planet.

Best it implodes, taking humankind with it. Or better still, humankind completely dies out, 100% extinct, leaving the planet to its own devices.
Ironically that's very likely. Mother earth would heal well in time.
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Yes, sea ice is minimal but there nevertheless. Ice over land is a different matter.

OK, double it to 2 millimetres, add that to the land ice and call it 3 millimetres, kinnell mate, nobody's going to p155 their knickers over that, well, obviously you are, surely that makes you a bit, err, whatever.

Tell me how the sea level rising by 2 or 3 millimetres is going to endanger my existence, or make any difference to me at all?
Tell me how the sea level rising by 2 or 3 millimetres is going to endanger my existence, or make any difference to me at all?
It isn't, who said it would.

I was asked a question by Gasser about sea ice melting and I answered it. Nothing more.
no one has even given the poor eskimo`s a second thought they must be looking forward to seeing a bit of grass and shedding a few layers of furs
Worst case,

There is still some uncertainty about the full volume of glaciers and ice caps on Earth, but if all of them were to melt, global sea level would rise approximately 70 meters (approximately 230 feet), flooding every coastal city on the planet.

which still doesnt come close to the 400 foot increase in sea level before the industrial revolution
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