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69er said:
Hi all

I have been following the thread with some amusement. Question - why is that if someone does not believe the same thing as the majority (even if it leans towards the racist side) then they are a beep and a beep - at then end of the day everyone has the right to an opinion etc?

69er said:
Also maybe some people have had bad personal experiences that make them lean towards the racist side?
Your point being?

69er said:
Someone asked why nobody will stand up and say I am a racist and i am proud - it's probable because he will get loads of abuse if he does!
Er, that's right. However, being racist and not admitting it exposes one to a fair amount of abuse anyway, as does claiming to know the laws on gas work and then exposing oneself as an ignoramus, to pick a random example, or diagnosing a boiler fault incorrectly (with no boiler diagnosis experience whatsoever) and not having the good grace to concede it, to pick another.

I don't see any reason to hold back on my opinion, whether it's the majority view or otherwise, whereas you seem to be advocating that the majority back off and not pick on the minority. Well, sadly, that isn't how life works.
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Hi Softus

Hi 69er. I suspect you're confusing joe-90 with "someone". If you dig around the forum you'll find that (a) he is racist and (b) he's the least open-minded of anyone on this topic, with the possible exception of Slogger.

That may be so in peoples opinion but does that mean they have to cop abuse for it? Know what I mean?

69er said:
Also maybe some people have had bad personal experiences that make them lean towards the racist side?
Your point being?

That people do not stop and ask themselves what has happened to this person thay makes him feel that way - they just judge and give abuse.

69er said:
Someone asked why nobody will stand up and say I am a racist and i am proud - it's probable because he will get loads of abuse if he does!
Er, that's right. However, being racist and not admitting it exposes one to a fair amount of abuse anyway, as does claiming to know the laws on gas work and then exposing oneself as an ignoramus, to pick a random example, or diagnosing a boiler fault incorrectly (with no boiler diagnosis experience whatsoever) and not having the good grace to concede it, to pick another.

Bottom line - if you have racist views - you cop abuse!

I don't see any reason to hold back on my opinion, whether it's the majority view or otherwise, whereas you seem to be advocating that the majority back off and not pick on the minority. Well, sadly, that isn't how life works.[/quote]

Someone has to advocate for the smaller guy - life doesn't work like that because people don't make an effort. Its always easier to join in with the majority than with the minority. My point is - so waht if Joe Bloggs does not like black people? Providing he is not running around hurting them then why should everyone get on his case? Am I making sense here? Or should I go find that bottle of vodka! :LOL:
69er said:
Someone has to advocate for the smaller guy - life doesn't work like that because people don't make an effort. Its always easier to join in with the majority than with the minority. My point is - so waht if Joe Bloggs does not like black people? Providing he is not running around hurting them then why should everyone get on his case? Am I making sense here? Or should I go find that bottle of vodka! :LOL:
No, you're making perfect sense, but I disagree with some of it - not all, just some.

For example, this idea that someone holding the minority view is the underdog and that the majority is overbearing - this isn't how I see it. The majority is not a group of people who are banding together - they are bunch of individuals who happen to be in the majority because more people have the same opinion than don't.

If Joe Bloggs doesn't like a particular group or race of people, and it has no effect on those people, directly or indirectly, then no problem. However, it's uncanny that the people who don't like black people are very fond of saying it really quite vociferously and bigotedly (if that's a word).

It's a big merry-go-round of the same old same old same old opinions, where the opposite (to the bigot's) point of view is presented calmly and rationally, at first, only to be met with with a derogatory remark (usually including the words liberal, wet, lefty, hand-wringing, soft... you get my drift), or a tirade of abuse and an attempt at bullying. This is where civilised discussion is abandoned and the topic degenerates. This happens again and again, and I think you've come into the forum quite a long time after these episodes have become routine.
Then main reason is...because whenever they get the opportunity of a corner.....the build a shop on it!

Seriously though.....they arnt really into contact is another example.
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Why can't you see the truth? Are you a limp wristed liberal too? :LOL:
Sorry couldn't resist.
No seriously I understand better where you are coming from - we just have slightly different views is all - no problem there. A few times I have seen it mentioned that previous threads have turned nasty etc but can not find them, so assume the mods deleted them!
racism is a crock of shi*

hmmm but me being openly racist (looks left looks right)

i am saying the meanin is a crock there is no such thing as racism birds of a feather will flock together and no more so than now that isnt racist its the way it is

racist / racism is a word made up by the pc brigade to stop joe public openly venting his spleen

was it in the dictionary in 1800 ? was it if it wasnt then when was it added
Zampa said:
Then main reason is...because whenever they get the opportunity of a corner.....the build a shop on it!

Seriously though.....they arnt really into contact is another example.
Hi Zampa, please don't take this personally, but what the b*ggery b*llocks does your posting mean?
Softus said:
Zampa said:
Then main reason is...because whenever they get the opportunity of a corner.....the build a shop on it!

Seriously though.....they arnt really into contact is another example.
Hi Zampa, please don't take this personally, but what the b*ggery b*llocks does your posting mean?

The original question was basically why dont asians play football you have to occasionally take a 'corner' kick.......thus.if asians went over to take it.they would build a shop there instead.....its an old old joke,.....
I hope I get this right - you messed up the quote wrappers to such an extent I might not, in which case, apologies.

69er said:
Hi Softus

Softus said:
Hi 69er. I suspect you're confusing joe-90 with "someone". If you dig around the forum you'll find that (a) he is racist and (b) he's the least open-minded of anyone on this topic, with the possible exception of Slogger.

That may be so in peoples opinion but does that mean they have to cop abuse for it? Know what I mean?
Yes it does. Racists are happy to hurl abuse at people who disagree with them, why should the reverse not be true? If I disagree with someone's viewpoint, why should I not say so? And that's not abuse, BTW...

69er said:
Softus said:
69er said:
Also maybe some people have had bad personal experiences that make them lean towards the racist side?
Your point being?

That people do not stop and ask themselves what has happened to this person thay makes him feel that way - they just judge and give abuse.
Calling someone a racist, when they are one, is not abuse. And I don't care why someone is a racist - racism is learnt behaviour - if it's been learned it can be unlearned.

69er said:
Softus said:
69er said:
Someone asked why nobody will stand up and say I am a racist and i am proud - it's probable because he will get loads of abuse if he does!
Er, that's right. However, being racist and not admitting it exposes one to a fair amount of abuse anyway, as does claiming to know the laws on gas work and then exposing oneself as an ignoramus, to pick a random example, or diagnosing a boiler fault incorrectly (with no boiler diagnosis experience whatsoever) and not having the good grace to concede it, to pick another.
Bottom line - if you have racist views - you cop abuse!
No - you get called a racist. Seems fair enough to me.

Softus said:
I don't see any reason to hold back on my opinion, whether it's the majority view or otherwise, whereas you seem to be advocating that the majority back off and not pick on the minority. Well, sadly, that isn't how life works.

Someone has to advocate for the smaller guy - life doesn't work like that because people don't make an effort. Its always easier to join in with the majority than with the minority.
You do not stick up for racists because they are in a minority and being criticised by the majority!! Practising paedophiles are an even smaller minority, and reviled by an even larger majority - are you going to stick up for them because "someone has to advocate for the smaller guy"??

The only reason you can possibly have for supporting racists is that you are one yourself.

69er said:
My point is - so waht if Joe Bloggs does not like black people? Providing he is not running around hurting them then why should everyone get on his case?
It's not everyone, it's everyone who finds his views unpalatable. Why should they not get on his case?

If people don't like being criticised for their views then they should stop airing them. That's not saying that they should not post - nobody is being denied freedom of speech if they are not breaking the law by what they say.

But that works both ways - nobody should be denied freedom of speech.

So if a racist airs his views, and 99% of the people here find them contemptible then why should he not expect to have 99 people say "your views are contemptible" for every 1 person that says "I agree with you"?
Slogger said:
racist / racism is a word made up by the pc brigade to stop joe public openly venting his spleen
The word was first used in the 1930s to describe the Nazis' beliefs about Jews.

Surely not even you, Slogger, would dismiss criticism of the Nazis as "political correctness"?

Thanks for the reply. I have not yet figured out how to do the whole quote thingy.

Everyone has the right to disagree with other people. I am not saying if you call someone a racist then they you are giving them abuse. It is when you start saying you supid narrow minded so & so - why can't it just end at the I don't agree with you stage? Make sense?

I agree that racism is a learnt thing but I believe that it can not be totally unlearnt. I have seen lots of racism and discrimination in all walks of life.

As for paedos - I think not. They are hurting people who can not defend themselves. Not liking black people and hurting kids are 2 very different things! Surprised you actually used such an example?

Me a racist? Define racism. I don't mean by the dictionary. If I have black friends I assume I am not racist but if I wouldn't take a black wife am I racist? Again I am not supporting racists per se - making a point that people have the right of opinion and providing they are not abusive about it then let them be. It just seems a lot of people get hooked up on the whole pc thing and sometimes that makes racism look worse than it is?

It's good to actually have a civilised discussion with some guys on here - am very impressed I have not copped abuse yet! :LOL:
69er said:

Thanks for the reply. I have not yet figured out how to do the whole quote thingy.

Everyone has the right to disagree with other people. I am not saying if you call someone a racist then they you are giving them abuse. It is when you start saying you supid narrow minded so & so - why can't it just end at the I don't agree with you stage? Make sense?

I agree that racism is a learnt thing but I believe that it can not be totally unlearnt. I have seen lots of racism and discrimination in all walks of life.

As for paedos - I think not. They are hurting people who can not defend themselves. Not liking black people and hurting kids are 2 very different things! Surprised you actually used such an example?

Me a racist? Define racism. I don't mean by the dictionary. If I have black friends I assume I am not racist but if I wouldn't take a black wife am I racist? Again I am not supporting racists per se - making a point that people have the right of opinion and providing they are not abusive about it then let them be. It just seems a lot of people get hooked up on the whole pc thing and sometimes that makes racism look worse than it is?

It's good to actually have a civilised discussion with some guys on here - am very impressed I have not copped abuse yet! :LOL:

69er, excellent. I agree 110% with everything you said. Just one thing having black freinds does not not make you racist! Ever heard some of these quotes I hate black people but your alright! I aint racist, my best friend is black!

Re quotes.
To quote someone click on the quote button instad of reply.
The key is to remember to open with [ quote] and close with [/ quote] (remove the space before the Q)
However you must leave in
69er said:
at the top.
Bit confusing I know, you'll just have to play with yourself to work it out :LOL:
But what exactly is a racist?.....

Someone who just doesnt like certain other people?...surely thats their right??

Someone who thinks the english are the master race? (theres a good few around who still think we have an empire!!)

Someone who thinks all non whites are below them?

Someone who thinks people from any country are below them?

So if I say 'i dont like blacks' a racist?....

What if I said..'im fed up with the fact that most street crime is carried out by blacks'??.......I was once accused of being a racist on the strength of that statement.......I saw it as just stating a fact..and sadly for the pinkos and do is a fact.

Everybody has the right to like and dislike whoever they they lay their views on other people is where the problems start.

I moved away from an area because i didnt want my kids going to a 97% asian/ethnic mix school....does that make me a racist?

The thing that kills me is when a black person is mugged by a gang of white vermin its a racist attack.....when the same thing happens in reverse and a white person is mugged by a gang of black vermin....its a mugging..and the press do their upmost to twist the story so it doesnt mention the 'b' word.

And before anyone starts weeping becuase i used the phrase 'black vermin'.....please note.....ANYONE who mugs someone is white asian irish jewish chinese.etc
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