At last they stir...

The cuts have to come from somewhere. And does anyone here think that the 'riots' will change anything?

Erm.. the poll tax "riots" seemed to have the desired effect.

Not sure that accusing 18 year olds of being pigs is fair, it is your generation, mine and previous ones that are culpable not someone that started uni last year.

rates - replaced with poll tax - reverted to rates due to no one paying up and the riots.

free uni - replaced with student loans - being replaced with having to fund the true cost

maybe in a few years we will revert to a subsidised system, but for now this country is on its uppers, we borrowed £15,300,000,000 in August, just in one month!!!

Borrowed - we need to pay it back! it is a shame the UK is in this mess, but we are in this mess and do not have the luxury or being able to ignore the issues.
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Is it not the case that a large part of our debts are the result of bailing out the banks, ie multinationals???

oh yeah, must be the fault of the bloody students, let's make them pay for it...
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Is it not the case that a large part of our debts are the result of bailing out the banks, ie multinationals???

oh yeah, must be the fault of the bloody students, let's make them pay for it...
Indeed the fault lies at the door of the bankers et al. I am all for making THEM pay the money back asap as opposed to us being 'in this together'.

As I have previously stated, I am all for being allowed to demonstrate but the damage and violence carried out yesterday was unacceptable. If someone had been killed (and it could very easily have happened), this discussion would be taking a different path (at least one would hope so).
There are other options, my Dad worked for a bit and then did Uni part time to start off with so he could work as well.

In the US they start saving early, as it can be up to $200, 000 for a degree from a good Uni.


And if we can't scrape 9 grand together,should my daughter apply to tesco's?

But if she's smart enough, then she could work up the ladder and pehaps become the boss if not then she'll remain a shelf stacker.

I am on about the choice taken away, because we are at the poorer end.

Who pays then, Libby? Where is the money going to come from to fund this education?
It sucks, it truly does, but if a person has the right desire, a good backing, not financial-wise, from family, then successes can be had.
Not this one, but just wait until it really gets going... ;)

Yep and where will ellal be?
At the forefront leading them on?
Somewhere in the middle, Placard in hand?
Cowering at the back?


He'll be sat at home posting on here about everyone's god given right to cause criminal damage, mayhem and upset !!

Until the first brick comes through his window. Then he'll be calling the police to help catch the perpetrator of this most heinous crime. Then on the phone to the insurance co to replace his window (once he has the requisite crime number) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Strictly TIC
Yep and where will ellal be?
At the forefront leading them on?
Somewhere in the middle, Placard in hand?
Cowering at the back?

Unfortunately you've made a serious misjudgement of character here...

I've probably attended more protests than you could imagine, so don't bother me with your uninformed b*llshit!
I am glad that we have the right to protest- to be honest I am far too lazy/busy/passive.

I prefer the protest by proxy route.

It is however refreshing to see civil disruption, keeps the morons that we vote for (or don't) in check.

5 years on and lets see how many of the student haters start to whine about Johnny Foreigner coming over here to "steal" premium jobs.

edit- i forgot that our rights had been curtailed under the previous gov.
So,,,,,,, What bigger crime were these students preventing?
Funnily enough I'm not the only one to believe that there is a 'bigger' crime going on... ;)


Lecturers at Goldsmiths College said: "The real violence in this situation relates not to a smashed window but to the destructive impact of the cuts." .....

The lecturers wrote: "We the undersigned wish to congratulate staff and students on the magnificent anti-cuts demonstration this afternoon."

They went on to distance themselves from comments by the National Union of Students leadership which criticised the occupation of the Conservative Party HQ.

The statement added: "The events demonstrate the deep hostility in the UK towards the cuts proposed in the Comprehensive Spending Review.

"We hope that this marks the beginning of a sustained defence of public services and welfare provision as well as higher education."
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