At least the Tories aimed for higher backhanders than a pair of specs and some new strides.

Just because the R/W media are desperately trying to,push the narrative Labour are the same as Tories doesn’t make it true……obviously there are fickos who fall for it.

Labour have not taken millions from Russians or given out £billions to their mates in bogus contracts.

Starmer has taken freebies such as football tickets, Taylor Swift concert, clothes it’s nothing like Tories

I don’t agree with any freebies, but unlike you, I compare the difference.
The “fickos” are those who thought they’d be different. To be be fair nobody thought they’d be exposed so quickly
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Nobody asks you to, we politely ask you to share your evidence that Boris received more freebies than Keir.

Or you don’t and people can treat your comments as opinion or baseless lies.
Treat it how you like

Wear your blinkers, or remove them. Your choice
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