BBC / Lineker

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I assume it was the Nazi politicians and not the opposition.
The fascist ones in particular. I'm pretty sure neither Gary or Alan or Ian have seen evidence of mass murder of Jews by our right wing lawmakers. However, we can all agree some of them are fascists. (y)
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And those words which were produced by Germany in the 30's were things like lock up people in a concentration camp, burn them out of their houses,
and say all the following were a GOOD THING for their country:
These were some of the stated aims of those Germans in the 30's

Try to eliminate the Jewish people.
Kill all Germany's gypsies.
Sterilise black people.
Killed mentally ill patients.
Sterilise physically disabled people, eg deaf people, and people with hereditary diseases.
Imprison people they regarded as anti-social in concentration camps. These included homosexuals, prostitutes, Jehovah's Witnesses, alcoholics, pacifists, beggars, hooligans and criminals.
Eliminate the Untermenschen, like Notchythebrainless, Carmensimpleton and other worthless undesirable non Aryans.
And those words which were produced by Germany in the 30's were things like lock up people in a concentration camp, burn them out of their houses,
and say all the following were a GOOD THING for their country:
These were some of the stated aims of those Germans in the 30's

Try to eliminate the Jewish people.
Kill all Germany's gypsies.
Sterilise black people.
Killed mentally ill patients.
Sterilise physically disabled people, eg deaf people, and people with hereditary diseases.
Imprison people they regarded as anti-social in concentration camps. These included homosexuals, prostitutes, Jehovah's Witnesses, alcoholics, pacifists, beggars, hooligans and criminals.
Eliminate the Untermenschen, like Notchythebrainless, Carmensimpleton and other worthless undesirable non Aryans.
Resorting to petty insults? Do you think that makes you sound like you understand the difference between what was said, and what you are trying badly to suggest was said ?
Modern day.....

Resorting to petty insults? Do you think that makes you sound like you understand the difference between what was said, and what you are trying badly to suggest was said ?
I'm referring to exactly what was said.

language not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s

Some of which I've listed for you
The Nazi party didn’t take over till 1933.
when they did,
they demonised minorities
they made voting harder
they controlled the media
they made people stateless
they denied people bank accounts

sound familiar?

Holocaust survivors wrote toBraverman

“Think before you speak. Your dehumanising language about people seeking asylum is dangerous... The horrors we experienced began inch by inch, by taking away people’s humanity, and casting them as threats, as others, as less than human. We’ve seen where this path can go. But when we treat people with compassion and dignity, our communities, and our countries, are better for it."

When Lineker said the rhetoric was a bit like the Nazis, Braverman pronounced herself offended as her husband was Jewish, and accuse him of belittling the Holocaust. When those who survived the genocide wrote to her, there was no public response at all.
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