BBC / Lineker

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Rather ironic that tory MP's are moaning about Lineker having 'carte blanche to do as he pleases on social media' when they have the benefit of 'parliamentary privilege' !
If 44 per cent of tory voters are impressed by this legislation they are thicker than mince, simply saying its illegal to be a migrant without the proper paper work won't stop the boats. Investment in detention centres and a properly equipped border force will enable the genuine to be identified. But the tories don't want to spend that money as William Vague found out 20 years ago. So a completely ineffective piece of legislation designed to win votes/limit electoral damage. Just wait for the tory wipe out at the local elections in May.

Rishi Sunak’s plan to ban people arriving over the English channel in small boats from making asylum claims has improved the Conservative Party’s standing with its voters on immigration matters, a poll found.

The government last week revealed the Illegal Migration Bill, which would see small boat migrants detained and deported without the UK considering whether they were fit to be granted asylum.

I know many people think these policies are never intended to be implemented. What will happen if that is the case. Are the Tories sure they can pin the blame on others, or is it a huge gamble.

If say 20,000 people a year arrive from countries that aren't on the safe list, are we really going to send them all to Rwanda. That would cost £12 billion a year. If they stay here, in a type of Guantanamo Bay limbo situation, we are going to need enormous detention camps. Which parts of the country would accept them?
Doesn't that relate to the 'subtle backhanded' way he expressed his original tweet?
He knew what he was saying.
And so do i.
Linekers tweet was precisely worded.

snowflake Tories interpreted it to mean Nazis, which it didn’t.
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